Saturday, October 31, 2009
Forgive me
First of all my appologies.
I am cleared of the virus!! WooHoo!! I did make it. So many of us didn't.....
The road back to recovery from tx was slow going. My Thyroid has been the hardest hit but just like my trial doctor said, it's slowly coming back around. After tx my thyroid went Hyper and then about 2 months later it went Hypo. I began taking thyroid replacement and around 3 months later my thyroid went hyper again. I stopped the replacement drug and now I think it might be ok.....I just had bloodwork on thursday and I haven't heard back yet...but I feel good so I'm thinking it'll be good.
It's a funny thing about recovery....once tx stopped I just wanted to get away from it. It consumed so much of my life for a year and a half, I just needed my life back. Selfish...I know...but we all have just one life to live and when you have an experience like this you start to realize just how much each day really means to you and you begin to focus on the day you have and try to forget about those that you lost.
It may not make sense...I know....
Life today is beautiful. Hard work is now something I enjoy. My play time is taken up by hot glass and lampwork glass. (check out
And I feel damn good. Even my hair has grown back in every place that it counts. lol it's funny but kinda hair has yet to return to my underarms! I haven't shaved there for over a year. here's the end of my blog.......
If you come here looking for answers....I don't really have any. I have written in this blog my experiences. But what I went through may not be the same for you.
We are all different.
I began this little journey scared, confused and even though I had the love and support of an incrediable Husband, family and friends.....I still felt all alone and the drugs played with that right up until I kissed them goodbye.
I came here online searching for answers and an education. What I found where friends. Beautiful wonderful friends who taught me and showed me the way to survive this tx.
If you come here looking for an education, what you will find are my experiences. But one more thing that you'll find is a piece of my heart and a year and a half of my life. I write it, in part for my own sanity....and I write it in part for you.
You will learn that you are stronger than you ever thought you could be.....
You will find that you have people who love you and will support you in ways you never thought they could.
You will find new friends through this who will change your life forever and you will remember them forever.....
Thank you my friends. Your love carried me though the dark tunnel and I made it into the sunshine.
God Bless you and Keep you.
All My Love
Friday, April 24, 2009
With Love
Since my last post my Thyroid has gone from Hyper-Thyroid ism to Hypo-Thyroid ism....Just like my Doctor at Hershey said it would. Now I take Thyroid hormones until my Thyroid levels off. Which I'm sure it will. They tell me that it may take up to 9 months or so for that to happen.
Outside of that I feel wonderful. The sad part of that is that I have the unending urge to barrel through life enjoying every moment of feeling good that I can. It's funny's been a year and a half since my body has been really "worked" and I find myself, more times than not, with sore muscles. Ooooh but do they hurt sooo good! lol
I suppose this is my good-bye post. Other than a PCR test in June, I have completed tx. Jimmy and I went to Hershey a week ago and last week the call came to tell us that my viral load had come back Negative! So far I've cleared the virus!
The last test in June should confirm that I have a 98% chance of being rid of it completely. I will come back here to post the results when I hear them......
For those who run across this blog and are new to tx here is what I've learned:
This blog has been a journal of my dealing Hep C and it's treatment through 12 weeks of a trial drug called RO4588161 along with standard care for the remaining 48 weeks.
The trial drug itself worked in my case. I cleared the virus in less than 2 weeks. The bad news is, however, they had to scrap the drug and start over from scratch....they've decided that the side effects are too dangerous to continue.
If you've come to my blog searching for answers what you'll find here are experiences. Many of those experiences come from dealing with the trial drug and many come from the standard care of Interferon and Ribavirin.
If you are faced with this journey that I've gone through, know can do it. There are times that it's not easy, but it is do-able.
These are a few things that I have learned through trial and error:
1. We are all different. None of us can know how we'll feel or what side effects we will have until we begin tx. My experience was a battle. Others have gone through tx with just a few side effects. Tx can effect us all differently....some have it hard, some have it not so hard.
To say it will be easy, would be wrong. You will probably have bad days and good. You must always remember that it is worth the battle to be able to live the rest of your life out with a healthy liver.
2. Drink Water. Drink lots of it. The more the better. These drugs dehydrate the body at an unbelievable rate.
3. I arranged my dosage schedule so that I take the Interferon on Friday nights so that I have the weekend to recover. Mondays are still a little ruff but I have only missed about a total of 8 days throughout my entire tx because of feeling sick. I've missed more work due to Doctor visits than I did because of feeling bad.
4. Take Ribavirin with fatty foods. It cuts down on the nausea and it also absorbs into you body much better.
5.While the flu virus and cold virus is very hard to catch while on tx (mostly because the drugs you take are very powerful antiviral drugs), infections become easier and easier to get as you go further into tx and your white blood cell counts fall (If your White Blood Cells drop).
6.Wash your hands often and use hand disinfectant as often as possible to cut down on your exposure to Bacteria.
7.In the winter use a vaporizer to keep your sinus' from drying out making them susceptible to sinus infection
A fever is a big sign that you may have an your doctor if you run a fever!
8. The hell with your hair. If it's going to fall's going to fall out. If it just thins, change your hair style. If you get bald spots, wear a scarf. What do you do? It is what it is.
Mine fell out drastically due to the combination of the highest dosage of trial drug, Interferon and Ribaviron. Yours may not be anything more than thinning.
Also, 3 months after tx has ended my hair hair has grown back beautifully!
9. Painful dry skin....I tried everything (hundreds of dollars went into looking for relief) and the only thing that I found that helped (Actually Rosie found and Jimmy shopped for) is a product by a company called African Royal, Hot Six Oil. It's great! I use it literally and skin. After a shower, before drying off I would apply it all over including my scalp. Then pat dry. Fantastic Stuff!
10. Drink lots of water.
11. Fatigue.....You can't ignore it because ignoring will only make you pay harder. Learned how to manage it. Sleep as much as possible. Sit as much as possible and rest whenever you can. Do not push because it will push back harder. When it pushes back you will pay!Live by listening to what your body is telling you.....
12. Make no plans. For 48 weeks plan nothing. You do not need added pressure of keeping dates and you will not know how you feel on any given future date.
13. Beware of "Riba-Rage". You'll know if you get it. It's just the Ribavirin. Some people get it ...some don't. Me? Yes I had it but not as bad as other people that I know. What I did get of it reminded me of having bad PMS. Major PMS. But I was able to control it by reminding myself that it's just the drugs.
If something got into my head I began to learn how to tell myself that if it's still there tomorrow I'll open my mouth.....9 times out of 10 it was gone by the next day and I was thankful for controlling my mouth because I knew then that it was all in my head.....put there by the drugs.
14. No matter what, no matter how bad it gets, always remember that your partner is going through it too. How hard this must have been on Jimmy. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful beautiful Husband!
I believe now that being sick was the easier part. I knew when I was really bad off.....but I could see it. I didn't have to really deal with it the way he did. God Bless him for loving me so deeply.
15. Do not skip dosages unless your Doctor says so. There have been so many times that I looked at those drugs and argued with myself about taking them. In the end I always concluded that it wasn't worth skipping. Geno type 1b hasn't got a high chance of beating this virus to begin with. 48 weeks is your best shot.....don't waste them by skipping anything.
It's just Not worth it!
16. A bag of frozen peas is the best thing for a tx headache. I'd use that and I'd take 1 ibuprofen and 1 reg. strength tylenol. The combination seemed to help. ( check with you Doctor about the ibuprofen and tylenol before trying this) My friend Teah gave me the idea of frozen peas! LOL Works great.....just mark the bag in the freezer! Frozen, thawed, frozen, thawed peas do make a good dinner idea!
17. Look at the day. Don't look back and don't look forward. Just look at the day.
18. Drink Lots of water.
19. For me tx side effects have no rhyme or reason. I used to try to figure out why the bad days where bad and why the good days where good. One thing is for sure....I take my Peg. on Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday are always hard....the rest of the days do whatever they wish and there's no telling what they'll do or why.
20. Go to the dentist before starting tx to avoid infection later in tx.
21. Go to your eye Doctor before starting and he/she will have a good idea of what the drugs are doing during tx if you run into a problem. They'll have something to compare to.
22. Eat even when you don't feel like it. I spent weeks eating peanut butter on a slice of bread when I couldn't stand anything else. All in all I lost a total of 22 pounds during tx. I started out at 138 lbs. and when it was all said and done I weighed 114 at 5'7".
Now, 3 months post tx I'm back up to 122 lbs....So I'm on my way back! : )
23. Did I mention to Drink lots of water?
24. Once again, I know I said this in the beginning of this list but.......Everyone reacts to tx differently. There is no way to know how you'll react until you go through it.
The side effects that I've had, you may not have at all.
I started this Blog almost 2 years ago. I started it for 2 reasons. First was because there isn't any type of support in my community to deal with Hep C.
Second, because I was inspired and touched by 3 people who had fought this little dragon before me. Teah - 72 weeks of tx, Terry - 48 weeks of tx and Iris - 24 weeks. 3 of the most incredible people I have ever met!
Without them I would never have started the journey that very well may have saved my life.
I've met a lot of people along the way. Karen, Sharon, Dorene, Sean, Lisa, Rosie, Robin, Gary, Emilo, The Nomads, And so many many more. Everyone of them have not only touched my heart but they've touched my soul.All of these people brought me through the darkest moments of my life. I will forever be grateful to the Hero's who went before me, and with me and stood beside holding me up while I went through tx.
From the bottom of my heart and soul I thank you all!
May the Angels watch over you and God bless you.
And may all of your days be "Just Ducky!"
With All My Love
Friday, February 20, 2009
Week 6 roller coaster
On Tuesday I called Hershey and they told me to go to my Family Doctor to have the Thyroid checked.
My family Doctor set up urgent appointments for me to go to the Endocrinologist in Wilkes-Barre. I saw him on Wednesday.
He told me that I had Graves desease and when I asked him if it could just get better on it's own he said that might for a short time, with treatment, but then it would get worse again. I'd have this problem for the rest of my life.
When I asked him if it could just be aggravated from tx he said that he had only seen 1 other person in his 30 years of practice that had a problem like this and had it resolve on it's own.
He said that I needed to make a decision. Go through a treatment until it gets better....wait for it to get worse again and go back on treatment.....etc. spending my life back and forth between treatment and periods of remission, or taking Radioiodine to kill off my thyroid and spending the rest of my life on Thyroid replacement medication.
We where leaning more towards the Radiooidine because it just seemed like a way to resolve this long term.
He then sent me for more blood work and an Uptake test, marking both as urgent. I left his office, went to the lad and then to Nuclear Med to take the radioactive pill for the Uptake test that I had to return for the scan 24 hours later. After the scan (on Thursday) the Doctor was to prescribe the medication to begin the Radioiodine.
I went back to work and called Hershey to fill them in on what was going on. I called my research nurse who then passed it on to Dr. Smith.....who in turn began trying to get a hold of the Endocrinologist. Dr. Smith and a Endocrinologist at Hersey both felt that my Thyroid would resolve itself saying that this Was a side effect of my tx. She wasn't able to find my Endocrinologist and told me to have him page her.
So on Thursday I before I went to the scan, Jimmy and I stopped at his office and asked him to call Dr. Smith. While he was on the phone waiting to talk to Dr. Smith he told me to go for my scan and then have the Nuclear Med. Department call him. So off we went....
After the scan the Doctor called the Nuclear Med and they put me on the phone with him.
He started the conversation off with "I believe now that you don't have Graves Desease and you are only the second person in my 30 years of practice that I've seen with this" He told me that I have Hyperthyroidism because of tx and that in about 6 weeks that will turn into Hypothyroidism and then it will resolve itself. It may take as long as 9 months to run it's course.
I have to increase my Beta Blocker to control my heart rate and tremors and I have to have blood work every 2 weeks until it runs it's course. But at least I'm not loosing my Thyroid.....yet.
After all of the glands in my neck have swelled and then resolved themselves, it makes sense to me.
Have you ever felt like you're in the ocean and swimming toward shore....just to have a wave come and sweep you back out to sea......then starting to swim back to shore again and yet another wave comes and takes you away.....I think I'm getting tired of swimming and all that I want to do is just lay on the beach and rest for a little while.........
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yep....and then it all went ooops!
It's my thyroid. My lab work for had just come in to Hershey over the weekend and it showed my TSH at .03. The reference range is .35 - 5.50. They think that the Interferon has kicked my thyroid out of whack. So off I went to Endocrinology.
Now everything is crazy. I guess we'll see where it goes from here.
I go back tomorrow to complete a test that was started today.
Hey....If I loose my thyroid it will still be worth it to save my liver.
I'm still UD.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Recovery - week 5
The good news is that I went to Hershey on Monday and my VL is still undetectable. My blood counts are all slowly coming back up and I'm feeling sooooo much better.
The fatigue does tend to still hit me here and there but nothing like it used to. Doc say's my body is still trying to adjust.
My hair has been growing back....but my scalp has yet to fully heal. I can't wait until I can actually go outside without a scarf on my head.
The dry skin still seems to be hanging in there. At least it's not as bad as what it was while I was on the drugs. I just doesn't seem to want to clear up yet.
According to her Roche is starting a new trial with a drug that is fundamentally the same as the trial drug I was on. So I guess they haven't totally thrown the trial drug out. I think that's good because I believe that the drug works.....they just really have to adjust it.
I go back to Hershey for my 8th, 12th and 24 week visit and then I'm done. Thank God because I really need to get past all of this. It's been a long and hard road.
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I'm learning more and more that there is life after tx.
I know I'm not posting as much as I used to... my darned computer has a virus and I'm waiting for Dell to ship the new on.
I get booted almost every time I come here to post.
Have a Beautiful Day!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Recovery - Day 9
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Recovery - Day 5
The abscesses on my head are healing up nicely....they itch like hell but that's a good sign. The swollen glands in my neck from the abscesses are starting to go down too.
Now this is starting to Feel like recovery!
I took my last Nuepogen shot on Thursday night and now I have to hear from Hershey about whether or not I can stop taking it. How nice it would be to be finally done with all injections!
WOOHOO! Life Is Getting Good!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Recovery - Day 4
THANK GOD IT"S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was pretty good. Each day seems to be a little better than the day before. With the infection and pain breaking up and the brain fog starting to slowly lift, this weekend should be nice.
I wound up with some bone aches from the Nuepogen shot last night but even that can't get me down today.
I look forward to next week. Life is getting better all the time!
Enjoy the Weekend Everyone!! :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Recovery - Day 3
The pain on my head is finally starting to let up. Itches like crazy but that's a good sign. My upper back is following my heads lead. Which makes sense because I think my back was caused by the pain on my head.
Even the Nuepogen behaved itself and didn't really cause much bone pain! How nice is that!
This morning waking up is slow but the further along I get the better I feel.
By this weekend I should be flying high feeling soooo much better.
Only problem so far with the day so far is that I'm going to have to go out. It's 8 friggin' degrees outside! brrrrrrrrrrr Tomorrow is supposed to be colder!
Wish we where going to Vegas this week! lol
Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Recovery - Day 1
We're back from Hershey with a script for Keflex to take care of the abscesses. This stuff should knock the infection out. Thankfully so since not only has it been painful but it seems to be causing the glands in my neck to swell. 10 days of taking 1500mg. a day should definitely do the trick.
I had the pleasure of taking all my leftover drugs and my study log back. It was such a pleasure to hand it all over! Of course it would have been more fun to throw it all into the garbage...but I had to resist the urge, they wanted what ever I didn't use back. Party poopers!
I found out today that I might only have to run one more week of Nuepogen and Procrit. If my counts come back not too bad that'll be it! My fingers are crossed.
It's a very cold and dreary day outside but to me today was the brightest and sunniest day in the past year!
After getting back from Hershey I took my daughter to the DMV to get her drivers test for her very first drivers license. Because I drove her I had to hand over my license.....low and behold mine expired! Guess who had to get her license renewed.....yep! I'm now the proud owner for the next 3 years of a license that has a picture of me wearing a scarf on my head! Doesn't that stink! is just not fair!
But the good news....Ta Da Da Dum....Crystal passed! YeeHaw!!! Congratulations Crystal!!!! Good Luck World!
What a day! Time for me to go crash on the couch.....
Have a Great Night Everyone!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Day 335
I think that recoverying from the 2 abcesses on my head are my biggest hurdle to get over first. Once their gone I should feel so much better.
For now my head and neck are killing me and I'm just wiped out from them and the last Interferon shot that I took on Friday.
With no more Ribaviron knocking me down this week I'm sure that I'll heal much quicker.
Anyway, I know that I just have to make it through this last little bout and things will get better.
I go to Hershey tomorrow. Maybe theres something that they could do to help speed this all along.
Have a Nice Monday Everyone!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 333 - 2 to go
In the end I was a good little girl and took my medicine. Thank God I'm done with the interferon.
Yesterday was painful. The abscesses on my head are driving me nuts. But I guess they have to run their course. Hopefully they start letting up over the weekend.
2 more days of ribaviron and a few more shots of Nuepogen and Procrit and I can get this last year behind me.
It's Saturday and they're calling for up to 8 inches of snow today. That's fine.....let it snow because I'll spend the day on the couch.
I can't wait until life gets better! I'm finally at the end!
Thank God!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Day 331 - 4 to go
I came home, ate dinner with Jimmy downstairs at the bar and put the Poker Scores into excel for our Wednesday night Texas Holdem' players. Then I went up stairs watched a little tv until I couldn't stand it any more. I took the Nuepogen and Procrit shots, ate a vicoden and a sleeping pill and headed off to bed.
I can't wait until our evenings become normal again.
This morning waking up is slow going. Thank God for coffee. I'm a bit achey but I'm sure Ibuprofen should handle that. Hopefully my upper back doesn't decide to chime in later this afternoon like it did yesterday.
4 more days to go. Part of me wishes I could just sleep through them.
It's Thursday so I have another Nuepogen shot tonight and one more Peg. shot tomorrow along with 16 more Ribavirn. I can handle that!
I feel like boxer at the end of the final round. I'm beat to hell and back waiting for the bell to ring.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Day 330 - 5 to go
I couldn't bring myself to take the Nuepogen shot last night with the pain that I was already in. I just couldn't stand the thought of adding bone pain to it for this morning. I'll take the Nuepogen tonight when I take the Procrit.
I think I made the right choice because after sitting for a while with the heating pad, taking a couple of sleeping pills and going to bed, waking up this morning the pain seems to be better than it has been over the past few mornings. I'm actually sitting here at the computer without being hunched over to one side.....not to mention that I can actually turn my head without having to turn my whole body. (hopefully I'm not jinxing myself)
Maybe if I have this one more day to recuperate the bone pain won't double up with the rest of it.
I just want to make it through the day without eating Ibuprofen all day and having to take a pain killer as soon as I walk in my front door. I seriously Hate taking drugs!
If ever I needed Ducky to show up it's now!
5 more days to go....Come on Ducky do an old friend a favor!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Day 329 - 6 to go
Between the abscesses on my head and my upper back killing me, I just sat and struggled the day away.
On the way home I stopped at the drug store and picked up some of those stick on hot pads. Which by the way really don't get very hot and where probably a waste of money. I wound up using my old hot pad up until I went to bed and then I stuck a couple of the stick on pads for the rest of the night. I popped a couple of sleeping pills and went out for the count.
This morning waking up my head is killing me, but at least I think my back might be a little bit better. Hopefully I'll be a whole lot better before tonight's Nuepogen shot. The thought of bone pain on top of the pain I'm already in makes me want to skip it....but I know my blood counts can't afford that.
Jimmy and I have changed our plans a little. We've decided to go to Vegas the first week of April and hold off going to Disney until Fall. We fly out on April 1st and back on the 7th. The Glass Craft Expo will be out there and neither of us wants to miss it. Last year I was so sick all of the time that I really couldn't enjoy so many things that I wanted to. This year will be a blast! I'll be off of tx and detoxed by then. So look out Vegas!
6 days to go.
I hope today gets better....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 328 - 7 days to go
I've felt like crap all weekend long and this morning is no better.
There are 2 new abcesses on my head from dry cracked skin and my upper back is killing me to the point that I've taken Vicoden. I hate pain killers and I hate Vicoden the most. It kills the pain but makes me feel more like shit.
I hope this doesn't last the whole 7 days.
All I can do for now is just consentrate on getting through work this week and hope that the pain goes away.
Right now though, I'd rather go back to bed.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Day 325
Hopefully I can get my body to cooperate with me before work on Monday. I seem to have aches and pains everywhere. Just sitting and typing is uncomfortable.
There's only 10 days left. I'm sure I'll get through them just fine.
It's Friday and tonight is Peg. night. I have this one and one more and then that's it.
I'm on my final count down...