Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 6 roller coaster

Wow what a trip this week has been!

On Tuesday I called Hershey and they told me to go to my Family Doctor to have the Thyroid checked.

My family Doctor set up urgent appointments for me to go to the Endocrinologist in Wilkes-Barre. I saw him on Wednesday.

He told me that I had Graves desease and when I asked him if it could just get better on it's own he said that might for a short time, with treatment, but then it would get worse again. I'd have this problem for the rest of my life.

When I asked him if it could just be aggravated from tx he said that he had only seen 1 other person in his 30 years of practice that had a problem like this and had it resolve on it's own.

He said that I needed to make a decision. Go through a treatment until it gets better....wait for it to get worse again and go back on treatment.....etc. spending my life back and forth between treatment and periods of remission, or taking Radioiodine to kill off my thyroid and spending the rest of my life on Thyroid replacement medication.

We where leaning more towards the Radiooidine because it just seemed like a way to resolve this long term.

He then sent me for more blood work and an Uptake test, marking both as urgent. I left his office, went to the lad and then to Nuclear Med to take the radioactive pill for the Uptake test that I had to return for the scan 24 hours later. After the scan (on Thursday) the Doctor was to prescribe the medication to begin the Radioiodine.

I went back to work and called Hershey to fill them in on what was going on. I called my research nurse who then passed it on to Dr. Smith.....who in turn began trying to get a hold of the Endocrinologist. Dr. Smith and a Endocrinologist at Hersey both felt that my Thyroid would resolve itself saying that this Was a side effect of my tx. She wasn't able to find my Endocrinologist and told me to have him page her.

So on Thursday I before I went to the scan, Jimmy and I stopped at his office and asked him to call Dr. Smith. While he was on the phone waiting to talk to Dr. Smith he told me to go for my scan and then have the Nuclear Med. Department call him. So off we went....

After the scan the Doctor called the Nuclear Med and they put me on the phone with him.

He started the conversation off with "I believe now that you don't have Graves Desease and you are only the second person in my 30 years of practice that I've seen with this" He told me that I have Hyperthyroidism because of tx and that in about 6 weeks that will turn into Hypothyroidism and then it will resolve itself. It may take as long as 9 months to run it's course.

I have to increase my Beta Blocker to control my heart rate and tremors and I have to have blood work every 2 weeks until it runs it's course. But at least I'm not loosing my Thyroid.....yet.

After all of the glands in my neck have swelled and then resolved themselves, it makes sense to me.

Have you ever felt like you're in the ocean and swimming toward shore....just to have a wave come and sweep you back out to sea......then starting to swim back to shore again and yet another wave comes and takes you away.....I think I'm getting tired of swimming and all that I want to do is just lay on the beach and rest for a little while.........


My Other Blog said...

I know of at least one other person on the Nomads (Me and My Big Bad Self) whose thyroid went hyper on Hep C treatment. Hers went that way at about week 15 and she had to stop. You may want to contact her.
Your endo. never heard that Barbara Bush (George the first's wife) got Graves Disease when he was V.P. (or maybe president)?
Since you spent 48 weeks on Hep C treatment, I'd chalk the current hyperness up to that and wait a while to see if it resolves, if you can stand to do this, rather than rush into another surgery. It's just too much of a coincidence that this would happen right now, otherwise.
I can't believe it's 6 weeks since you finished treatment - time is flying, as opposed to when you were on it, when it crawled!

Terry Lee said...

OMG! Just when you thought that you had made it, up pops the devil. I have read that thyroid problems often go hand in hand with tx. Iwould defer everything to Hersey.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie, I am so sorry this is happening, I completely understand the ocean analogy. I had a similar one where the the waves are knocking me down and as sooon as I rise to the surface to get another gasp of air another waves knocks me down. That is what this year has been like.
I am glad you were able to find a good conclusion. Killing your thryoid would have been bad
I am thinking of you.
Sorry, bqck to anon as I can not remember my password, sorry

Anonymous said...

my god you have been through soo much in such short time of knowing you .Your truly my inspiration in this fight we fight . I am a spiritual person and to the godess I pray and over I pray for you and the strong woman you are .

Blessed be Laurie!


Anonymous said...

Morning Laurie, Dorene here just in case I can't remember my password again. Just wanted to say hi. How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better every day
ARRGGH, sorry I tried, can't remember so going with anon

Rosie said...

Dear Laurie,
I am hoping since it's been awhile since you posted anything that you are just getting on with your life after tx and that there are no new problems. Your last post back in Feb. didn't sound all that good so I have been a bit concerned for you. But that being said I will focus on the positive and hope you are enjoying some renewed energy and health. All the best to you.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound insensitive, but I feel like everyone has been left hanging..... I just wish that were was some closure. Truly wish no malcontent and/or unkindness, but it just feels wrong that there isn't even a mention of closing the site. I have been reading this for over a year now and heavily rely on the information. I do realize that I have never posted, but truly wish that there could be one last goodbye or something.
All the best.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, still checking in once in awhile to see how you are, this is Dorene, hope I remember my log in, if not this will be anon.
Hope you are so busy living and having fun that you just don't have time to write.