Friday, January 16, 2009

Recovery - Day 4

I waited almost a year to say these words......

THANK GOD IT"S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday was pretty good. Each day seems to be a little better than the day before. With the infection and pain breaking up and the brain fog starting to slowly lift, this weekend should be nice.

I wound up with some bone aches from the Nuepogen shot last night but even that can't get me down today.

I look forward to next week. Life is getting better all the time!

Enjoy the Weekend Everyone!! :)


My Other Blog said...

I must be the only person in the world who didn't do interferon injections on Fridays!
TGIF, and I wish you many more good Fridays!

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, I have been off tx since end of Nov, Jan 2nd blood work shows Lymphocytes lower which ran the CD3/CD4 and that is .50 lower, I was at 173, now 127.
I was wondering if you might know if there is anything I could do.
Thank you, lots of good thoughts coming your way

~sharon said...

This is a fun Friday evening with no injection... :-) but I have some new medicine to take... I have so many sores in my mouth, Doc gave me some 'magic mouthwash' to use for a week. It has lidocaine in it and you swish and swallow... it's yucky! No more ribavirin, no more peg, but now this!! My eyelids have gotten really dry and cracked... like your ears I guess... I've been using chapstick - didn't want anything to run into my eyes --- Sandy thought I was creative LOL so many unusual effects from this tx...

Have a lovely weekend with no roller coaster from the peg or riba!!! yea!!!!


Laurie said...


I could never have worked throughout tx if I had to take the interferon on any other day. It always took Saturday and Sunday on the couch to be able to get up on Monday morning and go to work.

Every Firday from here on out will be awesome!

Thank you

Laurie said...


Low Lymphocytes....that's the scary part left over from the trial drug. With the CD3/CD4 count they're looking at your T-Cell levels....yours are really low. For your CD4 to go below 200 is getting really low. You need to be very careful around people who have infections, both viral and bacterial. If you get a cold call your Doctor immediatly.

I wish I knew what you could do about them being low. I know that I heard about a drug that they had to put someone on at Hershey for the Lymphocytes....but I can't remember what they called it. (too much brain fog back then) What is the Doctor telling you about it?

Boy I hope they start kicking back up for you soon!

((Great Big Hugs))

Laurie said...


Congratulations! Hope your Friday was Awesome! :)

"Magic Mouthwash" Yep I know the stuff well! I've had it by the pints throughout tx. It helps a lot as far as numbing a painful mouth. It didn't help me too much on solving my mouth problem though. After a couple of months of dealing with a painful mouth I finally figured out that my problem was dehydration even though I thought I was drinking enough water.

Finally I found that holding water in my mouth throughout the day and drinking a lot more water helps more than the magic mouthwash.

Not that the Magic Mouthwash didn't help's just that my problem came more from all the drugs draining the water from my body.

From the way it sounds you may be in the same boat. Your eyelids are dry and cracking just like my head and ears.

Try drinking lots and lots and lots of water. Carry a water bottle with you even. Constantly drink all day long. Do not drink anything with caffiene. Only drink water....lots and lots of water.

I even set a reminder message to pop up on screen at work reminding me to drink....I get busy and I forget.

I'll bet after about 3 days your mouth will feel alot better. At least mine always does.

My ears and head never have really fully healed even with the extra water. They do get a lot better but they just don't fully heal.

Now that we're off the drugs and don't have anything zapping the moisture from our bodies, maybe they'll heal faster. Until then I continue to drink lots of water.

Enjoy your Peg. and Riba free Weekend!!

