Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 328 - 7 days to go

It feels like tx is trying to get it's last lickin's in before the end of the final round.

I've felt like crap all weekend long and this morning is no better.

There are 2 new abcesses on my head from dry cracked skin and my upper back is killing me to the point that I've taken Vicoden. I hate pain killers and I hate Vicoden the most. It kills the pain but makes me feel more like shit.

I hope this doesn't last the whole 7 days.

All I can do for now is just consentrate on getting through work this week and hope that the pain goes away.

Right now though, I'd rather go back to bed.


My Other Blog said...

Oh Laurie, you are so close to the end! Do you end with a shot or pills? I ended with a week of pills, but I think ending with a shot would be more dramatic.
You are so close you could do this standing on your head!
I'm waiting at the finish line for you!

Rosie said...

Laurie it sounds like the "dragon" has figured out that you have beat him and is rearings it's ugly side one last time. Your almost there!Rosie

Terry Lee said...

Hey short timer! One more week. Las Vegas is way far from SF or Sacto to drive.



Laurie said...


I take my last Peg. shot on Friday and my last Ribavirin on Monday. I finish tx on the Ribavirin. Unless you count the Nuepogen and Procrit that I have to continue until my counts return.

Oh I know it's just around the corner....I can almost touch it. I don't know why it has to kick me in the ass for these last few days. It's like it wants to give me something to remember on it's way out.

I am so thankful that there are only 6 more days to go. I just keep telling myself that.

I think my body is just really tired of fighting and my brain is tired of dealing with my body.

6 more days....I can make it...I think.


Laurie said...


Yep! The dead little son of a gun is just trying to haunt me by sending one last kick through tx on it's it's way out!


Laurie said...


Jimmy looked it up. 8 hours drive to SF from Vegas!

Guess it wasn't a good idea after all.

We'll have to plan a seperate trip out to SF to visit you two and your beautiful city.

Tell M we said "Hi".
