Friday, February 13, 2009

Recovery - week 5

I know it's been a while since I posted to the blog. Between my computer having a virus, with the end result being that we had to buy a computer, and then my having to reset up all of our software, website and plotter there just didn't seem to be much time for blogging.

The good news is that I went to Hershey on Monday and my VL is still undetectable. My blood counts are all slowly coming back up and I'm feeling sooooo much better.

The fatigue does tend to still hit me here and there but nothing like it used to. Doc say's my body is still trying to adjust.

My hair has been growing back....but my scalp has yet to fully heal. I can't wait until I can actually go outside without a scarf on my head.

The dry skin still seems to be hanging in there. At least it's not as bad as what it was while I was on the drugs. I just doesn't seem to want to clear up yet.

According to her Roche is starting a new trial with a drug that is fundamentally the same as the trial drug I was on. So I guess they haven't totally thrown the trial drug out. I think that's good because I believe that the drug works.....they just really have to adjust it.

I go back to Hershey for my 8th, 12th and 24 week visit and then I'm done. Thank God because I really need to get past all of this. It's been a long and hard road.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!


My Other Blog said...

Ha, ha! Your old computer had a virus, but you don't!
I'm glad to see you writing again.
You'll feel better, give it some time. Do you have a humidifier, at least in your bedroom? If not, maybe you could get one, the dry winter air makes dry skin worse.

SR said...

Hey dragonsslayer!! Happy Valentines day, and thanks for the push to get through all this mess. Funny my laptop is being sent back because it just doesn't work anymore .Of course I have warrranties out the ying yang !

Blessing! ~SEAN~

Anonymous said...

Laurie, so very happy to hear from you! So glad you are still UND.
I am so very very happy for you!
I relapsed after tx, VL on Jan 2 was 4M. To say I was/am devastated is an understatement. I wrote to Dr D at Mt Sinai and he said that the trial drug of our study has depressed many peoples bone marrow so that is why the lymphocytes CD3/CD4 is taking so long to come back up. Mine actually went down 5 weeks after stopping tx. He told me to wait until next year to try to treat again. While I still don't feel as good as I did before starting tx I am slowly feeling a little better every day. I saw a new Hep Doc and he said he thinks that I feel so weak and tired because of the double whammy of tx, then relapsing so fast and thinks I will feel much better by May. If I can just hold on to my job I will be ok. To treat and work is not an option for me so I will probably apply for disability retirement before treating again.
I have thought of you often, even tried to email you at MED Help under Dee1956, and am so very happy for you.
p.s. I tried to log in to my account but have forgotten the password so have to use anonymous

Dorene said...

Trying again to remember

Dorene said...

trying again to remember :)
If it works I wanted you to know the anonymous was me. Gosh when my mind gets better I will be so very happy

Terry Lee said...

How great! Back to living life again. I got some good news this week. 10 months post tx and my AST came in at 17 and the ALT was 20. I still can believe that I'm cured!

Rosie said...

Hi Laurie I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Putting all this behind you will be a real blessing. I just found out today I was in group A which means I was taking 100mg of the study drug twice a day. I also found out there was actually 2 different studies going on at the same time. Step 1 and Step 2. Step 1 group was PV18369 and Step 2 was NV19865. I was in Step 2. Not really sure what the difference in the 2 were. Well glad you are doing so well and have slayed your dragon! Rosie

Rosie said...

Whoops I meant 1000mg of study drug

Laurie said...


I can't wait until summer!

I do run a vaporisor in my bedroom. I think I need to have one in every room!

Thanks :)

Laurie said...

Oh Dorene! I'm so sorry to hear that you relapsed! I thought for sure you would be clear. I am so sorry.

My prayers are with you.

Hang in there!

My email address is

Stay in touch. Let me know how your doing

((Great Big Hugs))
Love Laurie

Laurie said...

Terry!!! WOOHOO!! You have a Liver like a new born!!!