Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 296

Thursday already! What a strange week this has been.

At least the abscess on the back of my head is slowly starting to go down a little. Maybe the hot compress helped some last night.

I can't believe that the first week of December is already almost gone. I have yet to get started Christmas shopping!

I'm thankful for'll make the time go by faster.

Have a Nice day everyone.


Dorene said...

Really glad to hear the compress is working
I know what you mean about Christmas, I told my family I didn't think I would be able to do much except for the little ones.
I would like to get my Mom and Dad something though I am so exhausted I can barely go to work. Last night I got so weak and shaky if I didn't know better I would have thought I was on tx. Maybe that is the tx getting out of my body. Not sure, I have always heard it is bad to just stop a medication. Maybe I could go to Terr or Teah's site and see how they felt a week later
Have a good one

Laurie said...


Just like with the treatment itself, recover from it is individual.Some people snap right back and others take a while.

You have remember that not only are you recovering from tx, you're also recovering from low blood counts and a nasty sinus infection also.

I would be amazed if you just popped right back up.

Give it some time. The drug levels are still high in your body.

I hope you feel better soon.

((Big Hugs))