Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 283

I started my morning off yesterday going to my family doctor. I hate going to any Doctor, but I really like my family doctor. He's so supportive.

Turns out that both of my ears are infected. It's mostly my ear canals and I may have caught it before it went too far this time.

Doc says it's drug induced. He went through chemotherapy last year and told me that he had the same problem with dry and cracking skin that I'm having. He showed me his hands and how they still are dry and pealing at the creases. He said that almost a year later his skin is still recovering.

I asked him if there's anything that I can do and he said the same thing that Hershey says....use oils. There much else that you can do.

He prescribed Cortison Otic Sol. drops for my ears to use 4 times a day and told me that I could use a drop or 2 to rub on the outside of my ears to help heal up the dry cracking skin there also.

It was good news that maybe we caught this in time to not wind up with the horrible pain that I had the last time.

I go back to Hershey on Monday. Hopefully, with any luck, my ears will be cleared up by then.

One thing I do know is that now that it's the weekend, if this gets worst before Monday I'll be driving to Hershey's ER and not going to Hazleton General!

After the Doctors appt. I stopped at General Hospital to take the form to the records department so that they'd finally fax my ER record to Hershey.

I handed the form to the "lady" along with my drivers license and told her that the record had to be faxed by the end of the day because I have an appt. on Monday and they need it badly.

The "lady" said "Oh I don't think it will make it by Monday. The record has to be pulled and that usually takes a couple of days."

Yep I got mad.

I told her that in that case I wanted a copy of the record right now to take with me and that I wasn't going to leave without it. She said that if it took a couple of days to get the record to Hershey how did I think I could get it today, right now?

I told her that I wanted to talk to her Supervisor and she said that she was the only one there right now. So I told her that I don't care if I had to talk to the Hospital Administrator I'm not leaving without my call the Administrator!

She said hold on a minute and she left the room. She didn't say why she was leaving the room....I guess I assumed that she was getting someone to back her up or

Less than 5 minutes later back she came with my record in her hand! I was so stunned that she was handing it to me that all I could do was stand there and stare at her! Words escaped me. "A couple of days to pull the record" my ass!


I went to work and faxed the record and a report from my doctors visit that morning alond with the scripts that he wrote to Hershey. I asked my trial nurse to ok the scripts before I got them filled..... Even though I trust my family Doctor, I'm not taking anything anymore unless it's ok'd by Hershey!

So that's it. Riba-rage won and I didn't go to jail! lol

I've got antibiotics for my ears before the weekend hits and maybe we've caught it in time this time.

My ribavirin and Interferon are on hold for the weekend, so no shot tonight. On Monday tx will probably start all over again.....but at least maybe I'll get the chance to heal over the weekend.

7 weeks to go. One thing that I know is that this is going to be hard right up until the end.

Have a Wonderful Friday everyone!


My Other Blog said...

Yay! You got your records and you didn't go to jail! (You had me on the edge of my chair - I thought she was going to come back with a big ugly security guard - but I still think you could have taken then both out!) I hope the antibiotics work quickly.
Take care.

SR said...

you make me smile! when I should be serious about your situation I am sorry and I blesss you and send you tons of healing . I think the best thing although it doesn't smell good is olive oil right after your shower , I had a patch that wouldn't go away until I used the olive oil, that and vaseline takes a while but works... Are you on any multivitamans? I had chronic ears aches as a child so I know the agony!
Stay safe and well ! Blesed be Sean

Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, so glad you are finally getting some relief, I went to the dr and she said it was a viral infection in ears and throat, I don't know how they tell the difference, it feels like my throat is cracking, she gave me steroids and told me to gargle. If is it not better by Monday I am going some place else I think this is the most miserable I have been since starting treatment. Can't swallow at all. This past year has taught me that the for the most part you have to fight to get good medical care. I was spoiled I had a good dr but he retired 3 years ago and since then I can't find anyone who really cares. Sorry venting again. I am glad you are doing a little better, hope Sunday is good for you. I have beens so sick I missed two days of work due to pain.
I send lots of hugs and love your way

SR said...

I agree with Doreen we all deserve excellent medical care and its out there , you just have to find it
check out my links they can get you intouch of people in your area !!!

blessed be
