Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 286

The weekend wasn't bad. All 3 of my kids where here on Friday night. On Saturday, after some pushing and prodding they help me clean the house up a bit for the upcoming Holiday.

On Sunday my youngest went down stairs to work his Sunday maintenance job for the Roads and I took my daughter to the grocery store to get the fixin's for Thanksgivings Dinner and they carried it all in.

By Sunday afternoon I was still feeling pretty good but the weekend was catching up to me and my ear was starting to get to me a little....but my daughter invited her boyfriend over to meet me.

It's kind of hard with the kids. I try to keep going for them and I try to act as best as I can.....but after all these months of tx they tend to forget that I am sick. It's like that old fable "Mom's aren't supposed to get sick".

Jimmy gets upset and I do too sometimes, but they're not here all the time and they don't see.

What they do see is that I continue to work.....but they don't how much of a struggle it is for me to keep working.

What they do see is my cleaning out the cabinet and fridge to make room for the Thanksgiving groceries.....but they didn't see the fight for energy that it took all morning long while they slept in the morning.

Ask my oldest Son about it and he says he can only see my strengths......he doesn't see the battle. I know I try not to show it to them.

It's not like I try to hide it or I try to shelter them from's just that I only get a couple of times a month where they'll all come together and spend the weekend with me. They're all grown up now and sooner or later they'll marry or move away and my weekends with them hanging out with me will be over. Sure they'll still visit, but it won't be as often...they'll have families of their own.

Anyway, This morning I'm waking up feeling pretty good. I guess I should because I haven't taken Ribavirin since Thursday and I had to skip my Interferon on Friday. Fatigue still comes but not as hard. The ear infection is still there a little....but it got somewhat better. It's not nearly as sore, but it's not gone either. I was hoping it would be gone by this morning before I had to go to Hershey.

I'm always worried that they'll take me off tx. It's always a worry especially since so many people have been pulled from the trial for various reasons.

I have 49 days to go.....I'd rather fight them out then to be left wondering if tx ended too soon.

49 days....I've come this far....They can't pull me off for ear 2 ear infections....I hope.

I guess I'll find out in a few hours....

Have a Nice Monday everyone!


SR said...

Nobody knows how hard it is for us and they never will.Secretly we cry in pain as we try to look as "normal" as we can...Keep up the great spirit L your amazing.

Rosie said...

I'm praying for you this morning Laurie that you get to finish out the treatment. I just know that whatever happens today that you will be virus free! Just think under 50 days to go! How exciting! Take Care Rosie

~sharon said...

Hey Laurie... I know what you mean about the kids... I do more for Alex, but he is here all the time since he's only 15 and we cyber-school -- which gives lots of opportunities for frustration and ribarage :-/ He told me a few weeks ago he wants the fake mom to leave and the real mom to come back... that really made me sad. When I see other family members though they see the strength and every one keeps saying I look good - it feels like they are surprised I don't look worse LOL -

Hope things went well for you at Hershey today and with your ear... sorry we couldn't see each other next week.

Take care of yourself and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Laurie said...

I could never have made it this far without all of you - my wonderful friends.

Thank you so much for your love and support!

You Are All Beautiful!