Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 281

Woke up this morning and now my right ear is sore and I can hear the fluid in them both.

What the hell is it with ear infections?

At least I still have some of the antibiotic drops and pills from my left ear being infected. I started them this morning and I'll call Hershey later today.

I wish there was something that I could do to prevent this from hapening.

Last night I hit the wall at 7:00. I haven't done that in days. This morning waking up is ruff. I'm sure that if my ears are infected's got a lot to do with it.

I was kind of hoping that these last 8 weeks would be uneventful. So much for that!

1 comment:

My Other Blog said...

I hope you get this under control. You may need a different antibiotic than the one you took before.