Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Went to Hershey Yesterday hoping that my blood counts would be good enough to drop at least one of my injections. But no such luck.

It's seems that my WBC fell a little and while my Platelets have reached an all time tx high for me of 90, neither is good enough to stop or cut back Nuepogen or Procrit. Oh well...

Last week my little eye problem came back and Hershey just doesn't agree with my trying to ignore it even though there where only 2 20 minutes episodes. They strongly suggest that I see the eye doctor.

I would have forgotten to make the appointment when I got home, but shortly after getting home I wound up with another episode. Turned out to be my friendly little reminder.

It starts with a small spot in the middle of my vision that looks sort of like tv static. The spot grows and gets darker. After a while I can start to see through the middle but my peripheral vision is too dense and dark to see through. Then after 15 or 20 minutes it fades and I see fine. Sometimes I get a head ache in the back of my head, sometimes I don't. Other than a feeling of very slight pressure in my head.....there is no pain or even discomfort. I just can't see while it happens.
So off to the eye Doctor I'll go.

I felt good enough yesterday to make it to my sons football game last night. It was cold as hell but so much fun to watch. They won 24 to 6! :)

While waking up this morning is pretty ruff, I'm hoping that the day gets a little better.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!


My Other Blog said...

You don't want to mess around with vision problems. When is your eye doc. apt.?

Laurie said...

I really thought it was just going to be one of "what the hell is that" kind of things that comes and goes and doesn't happen again.

When it happened before I told Hershey about it and Dr. looked in my eyes and said they looked ok. She thought maybe I should try to eat something when it happened. I did but that didn't help.

If it kept happening they wanted me to get my eyes checked....but it stopped. It hadn't happened for 6 or 7 weeks and know all of a sudden it's back.

So my apt is next Thursday.

I really don't think it's my eyes themselves. But I guess it's time to find out.
