Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 245

It's Wednesday and finally I'm waking up without that hangover feeling. For the first time since last week, my mind feels clear. Brain fog has been terrible. It drags me down and makes the other side effects harder to deal with.

But today I finally feel decent waking up.

90 days to go. Still the concept of a finish line seems so far away.

What a twisted treatment this is. You know you're doing what you have to in order to kill a virus that's trying to kill you....but after such a long period of time you start to forget why you're doing it and the only thing that you know is how you feel today. Each injection starts getting harder to do and it takes everything within you not to throw the hand full of pills right out the window.

In my mind, these are what make me sick. I can see them and what the sides do to my body. The Hep C is nothing more than a number on a sheet paper now. I can not see the Hep C.

It's harder and harder to stay focused on why I'm doing all of this.....

My mind tries not to think about it. I pretend to be normal and still I paste a stupid smile on.

There are 90 days to go and I know that when this is all done and the drugs are all finished I'll be able to see, once again, why I've gone through all of this.

I guess at this point it all comes down to faith.

So for the next 51 injections and 360 will have to carry me.

I have a Dragon to slay.


Anonymous said...

Laurie my dear your comment could not have come at a better time . I feel like a truck is continuiosly running me over and kept thinking in my head I am just going to stop everything , like gambling take my losses and live out the rest of my life happy , no pain, no fatuige.... But thank you you snapped me out of it. Slay the dragon! Blessed be.

My Other Blog said...

I think it's 15 injections, (I hope), not 51. Where's Day 246? Hope it's a good one.

Laurie said...

Hey Sean :) Just hang in there. You're really doing great!

We can make it through this. I know we can.

((Great Big Hugs))

Laurie said...


All together it's 13 Peg injections, 25 Nuepogen injection and 13 Procrit.

At least the Procrit doesn't bother me with any sides other than the injection itself.

And Nuepogen isn't anywhere near as bad as the Peg.

But 51 injections it is....


Dorene said...

Good Morning, thank you for this blog, I am feeling the same way, why did I start this? I was feeling fine before treatment, best I ever felt like you said, we didn't feel the Hep C, now we feel horrible. I hope that the worst we feel the harder the tx is kicking the dragons butt. I hope the Peg is nice to you this weekend. I just woke up, not sure how it is affecting me. Lots of times when I first wake on Saturday I think "wow, I don't feel so bad" then I start moving around and I am back on the couch :) Thinking of throwing the pills out, yes that is a nice dream. I am tired of gagging them down, I know they aren't as big as the Prodrugs were I am just tired of taking them. Have you see that birth control commercial on TV? Monday, tuesday..... I feel like that but if I stop whining, at least I feel, the alternative isn't too pretty ha ha Sorry to be rambling so much, need coffee, just wanted to say Good MOrning, I am thinking of you, praying for you, it is going to be a beautiful weekend, I hope you get outside for a bit to enjoy it
and lots of hugs