Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 219

Well here it is Friday again already. Bad's Peg. shot night. Good's another week down.

The half dosage last week did make it a little easier on me with the fatigue. I'm not getting those huge heart gripping waves anymore. Now the fatigue is more like a steady little reminder to take it easy. So I try to listen. It's not like I have much choice.

I'm hoping that the shot this week is easier because I shouldn't have as much interferon in my system as I did last week at shot time. Last Saturday I still was thrown for a loop and wound up on the couch. I'm thinking that this Saturday will be better because first of all my counts should be higher now and another half dosage shouldn't be as hard hitting.

After tonight there will be 17 more weeks to go. Why does it sound so much better to me to say 17 weeks rather than 4 months? 4 months sounds like a long time to me.....I think I'll stick with 17 weeks.

If I could just get rid of some itching (damn Ribavirin) and a little more of the fatigue, I know that Ducky would come around again.

Maybe next week...


Terry Lee said...

17 weeks, so near yet so far away. the last hundred days are really hard but it does get done although it is painfully slow. Keep on keeping on as the finish line awaits you.

Dorene said...

Good Morning I am with you I have 15 weeks and it sounds a lot better in weeks than months
About the itching, I know you don't want to take any more pills, I tried a half a Zyrtec on my liver docs say so and it really did help. It seemed to stop the cycle of itching so that I only took it a few times and the itching got 90% better. Now I just have little itches now and then. Like pain it s a vicious circle, you feel the pain, tense up the pain gets worse more tension and round and round it goes, same with vomiting (sorry to be gross) you get sick irritate your stomach and it just keeps going till you can calm it down. No, not a doctor just lots of experience with these terrible side effects. Also, have you heard of Nioxin for hair? It was made for people going through chemo and for some people it works. I am using a follicle booster for my bald spot and it is working! The hair is standing straight up right now but at least the bald spot is harder to see. Just a thought. It is expensive so I am only trying the booster instead of all the other products but maybe if this works the others would help as well. Also found bioitn conditioner through Avon, it is a leave in, I'll try anything at this point Hope the peg is good to you this weekend. Looks like a beautiful morning here in VA.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend

Changedit said...

Glad you had a better week, Laurie. Must be the reduced meds, the body is probably tolerating it better. The itching apparently is due to lack of interferon. I started itching like mad when I finished. One of the symptoms of detox, and probably with less interferon much the same. Something in the body is craving it.

Hope next week is better still. xxx

~sharon said...

Laurie, it's great to hear that you are feeling a bit better with the lower dose :-)

For the itching, they had said that liquid benedryl could be used and that it would help with the insomnia too, but I really didn't want to take anything extra if I didn't have to. I agree with you Dorene... it seems to help to break the cycle. Most of the time it's in the background and I can kind of ignore it, but a few weeks ago it was intolerable so I took an antihistamine. It really calmed it down and put everything into the background again. I only had to take one.

Keep hanging in there, Laurie.. hope your weekend and the coming week lets Ducky arrive!! I'm keeping good thoughts that your numbers bounce up too :-)


Laurie said...

Hey There Terry! :)

One day at a time right? I'm hangin' in there still trying not to look too far ahead.

It seems like this goes on forever doesn't it!

You're always a great reminder that there's life on the other side!


Laurie said...


The problem with my itching is that my skin has dried out so badly that it peels causing it to itch. It's mostly my scalp, neck and upper back. I have a houseful of moisturizers but nothing really seems to restore moisture. It's almost as though my upper body has lost the ability to produce oil. I've try benedryl but that really doesn't help. The Gold Bond helps somewhat but only for short periods. With all of the drugs that I'm on right now, Doc. tries not to put me on more. But I might ask about it anyway. Thanks.

Iris turned me onto the Nioxin when we met in Hershey. I started using it and it might be too early to tell if it helps. It does feel pretty good. The conditioner has something in it that causes tingling. That feels really good on the itching! :)

At this point a folicle booster wont help my balding anymore. Pretty much all of the back of my head is so thin and bald that my hair is pretty transparent. There isn't too much left to do now but cover it up.

Thanks for the awesome ideas! I'll check on the Zyrtec.


Laurie said...

Oh Boy Fishwiskers...I hope not!!

According to the Doc my itching is from Skin cell death from the Ribavirin. I've had it all along, it just gets worst as time goes by. My skin (expecially behind my ears) peels and cracks...itching all the while.

I really really hope that the itching doesn't get worse or continue during withdrawl from the drugs!

Oh that would suck!

On the other least it would mean I was done with tx and the end to itching would be in sight.

Interferon and Ribavirin...nasty stuff isn't it!


Laurie said...


The benedryl only puts me to sleep. I could never make it through work with taking it.

Sandy and Jill say to just hang in there and use the Gold Bond.

Hopefully it let's up soon.
