Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 216

When I wake up in the morning, I lay there in bed and try to access how fast I can move to get up. Almost every morning my body says "Ya better go slow!".

This morning I woke up and laying there I waited for my heart to do it's pounding and my body to give it's warning....but my heart stayed steady and the only thing that my body had to say is "You itch!".

This is the first morning in a very long time that I've been able to wake up and move around somewhat normally.

I'm not ready to run a marathon, but at least every movement that I make isn't sending me into major heart pounding fatigue.

Are my counts going back up or is the half dosage of Peg. finally giving me some relief.....or both.

My fingers are crossed that it's both and I'm hoping that this day continues to be a good one.

It's time to come home Ducky....


Rosie said...

Hi Laurie, just wanted to pop in and see how you are.So glad you woke up today feeling ok. The 1/2 shot is probally helpng with that, it did for me. How's the gold bond cream working for you?
I am 8 days now without the pills. Energy was almost right away for me but the nausea, headaches, and back pain are almost worse. Day 3 I was so excited to move around that I overdid it and ended up on the floor trying to get my back out of it's cramp, toes curling and tears. My poor husband came home and thought he should call 911. I scared the shit out of him. It is so weird today I feel totally like I am on tx again and I will be in bed by 7:30 tonight. I have been sleeping about 9 hrs. a night. So really the biggest change has been some energy and the hair loss seems to be slowing although it has gone totally crazy and sticks up everywhere LOL someone at work asked me why I looked so frazzled one day. I am keeping a good thought for you on your blood work.You have been UD since the beginning so worst case if they take you off you may have already beat the virus. Take Care Rosie

Dorene said...

Good Morning, no matter what the reason I am glad you are feeling a little better. (PC has been down for 4 days) Everyone needs some relief once in a while during this tx. I went through July and August feeling pretty bad, maybe it took me longer to get the prodrug out of my system or they doubled the peg, not sure, feeling a little better glad you are too. Hi Rosie, you are right with Laurie's great numbers since so early in the study she may be fine now. I know better to go the 48 weeks. Look at Teah, I don't know how she did 72, I think I would pull out what hair I have left
I am thinking of every one. Have a great day!
Hope you have a great day!

Dorene said...

Rosie, I can feel for you I have all these little hairs standing straight up and I guess in comparison to how we normally wear our hair people might think we are frazzled. I wish I could figure out if this is new hair or just broken off, I know, I am vain, I want something positive
I am thinking about you D

Laurie said...

It'll probably take a couple of weeks for all of those drugs to get out of your system. I've heard some people say it took a couple of months. I guess it just depends on the person.

The biggest thing is don't over it! But I guess you found that out! Your poor back! Hope it's doing better now.

I figure that once I'm off of tx and my hair starts to come back, maybe I'll get a funky hair-do to mask the stuff that decides to stick straight up and out! lol

Take care of yourself Rosie...go slow and take it easy.


Laurie said...


I couldn't imagine being told that I'd have to do 72 weeks....much less do them!

What a trouper Teah was!

I guess we have some things to be thankful for. Huh!
