Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 202

Well after what should have taken me a couple of weeks, but took a couple of months, I finally got the new Roads End website online yesterday morning. I still have a couple of pages to finish and maybe one or two pages that I'd like to add.....but for the most part the site is up and running!


The weekend and the Holiday where somewhat nice to me. I spent a lot of fatigue time on the couch and going slow. But it was nice to make it to Jimmy's family reunion. We didn't stay very long, but for the time that we did it was nice to see everyone. The day was beautiful and the food was scrumptious! I'm really glad that we made it.

This morning, getting motivated is kind of hard. I feel like I could use another 10 hours of sleep. I'm sure that it'll pass as the morning goes on.

I worry that depression may be causing some of my lack of energy on top of the fatigue. I continue to try pushing it back, but I still find myself wanting to cry. I guess it's just hard to try forgetting about tx when there are so many reminders everyday. The pills twice a day and shots four times a week and looking in the mirror everyday are very real reminders. I try hard to push it out of my brain but reality continues to win.

This Friday I'll have 19 more shots to go. 19 more weeks to do this. I'm hitting the teens.

It should make me feel better. So far it's not. Still too many weeks of side effects....too many more weeks of watching my body fall even further to the poison.

The only thing that I find to pick me up is looking forward to what life will be like when this is all over. Looking forward to no sides and feeling good....virus free.

19 weeks....still seems so long.

I think that maybe by the time Halloween rolls by maybe things will get better. The holidays will help it pass.

For today though, maybe work will help. It seem to move the days a little bit faster.

Have a nice Tuesday everyone.


My Other Blog said...

Time speeds up in the fall, you'll be done in no time. I'm really looking forward to seeing you and Jimmi on Monday!

~sharon said...

It was an interesting day 202 here. First day of cyber school for my 15 yo son. His attitude was good so my ribarage stayed away :-) I am a bit concerned with how these last few months will go though... the end of last school year was a bit sketchy and quite difficult, especially when his pubescent attitude clashed with my mommy rules LOL

It's really great that you were able to get you website done. It looks like a great pub!! Love your bubbles :-)


Laurie said...


It's going to be wonderful to see you too! :)

The restaurant is very easy to find. It's right there on the main street - Hershey Blvd. You can't miss it. They have awesome food.

Can't wait to see you!


Laurie said...


Umph! Home schooling while on tx! Boy I don't know, I get brainfog over the stuff I'm used to doing everyday and here you are having to teach stuff that you learned and really haven't touched since you where a child! O.M.G.!

Thanks for the compliment on the website. It's got a long way to go yet....but at least it's up. That's a major step that I was worried about.

Hope your day is good!
