Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 197

Still goin' good!

It's Thursday and tx is still being ok on me. The fatigue is deal able and even my itching has let up somewhat thanks to the Aveno chap stick (silly I know...but hey if it works!)

Jimmy's been after me to call Hershey to find out what my blood counts were the last time we were there. I just can't seem to make that phone call.....I'm so afraid of them upping the peg. from 75 to 100 that I just haven't called. I really don't want anymore poison than I'm already taking. The sides just become too much already.

And I can't imagine how my hair would react to even more Interferon. I'd go bald for sure!

If they do raise it....I'll take it. But for now I just can't bring myself to push the issue by calling.

If I start to falter again, I'll call just to check how low my counts really are and to make sure they aren't falling lower.

For today I don't feel too terrible.

In the back of my mind I still wonder if "not feeling too terrible" is just a comparison to how bad I can feel.

I mean imagine! If this is feeling my best right now....I'm going to feel like a million dollars when this is all over with! I'll be so used to excepting this level of "an ok day" that when this tx is over and the drugs have filtered is going to be so wonderfully alive!

I can't wait.

For now, for today....I'm still just Ducky.


My Other Blog said...

There's no point in calling until the day after Labor Day. Half the staff will be off tomorrow. Have a great 3-day weekend!

Dorene said...

Morning! Love the Duky, where do you come up with all of them? Do you have a collections?
I am glad you are doing better, I know it gets hard when you don't get good day, I have been there.
Have a great day

Laurie said...


I think I'll wait it out until my appt. on the 8th.

Stubborn....yes! I just don't want to jinx the dosages!lol


Laurie said...


I cheat! I goggle the pictures! lol

Hope tx treats you nice this weekend!

Have an Awesome Friday!
