Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 195

For a Monday, yesterday was surprisingly pretty good! It was slow moving but the horrible fatigue that has plaguing me wasn't as extreme as it has been. I was left with the normal Monday run down feeling.

This treatment is truly unpredictable. It actually seems as though it goes eanie, meanie, miney, moe.....you feel like crap! Then eanie, meanie, miney, moe....ok you can feel better. There is no controlling it. it does what it pleases.

This morning I'm waking up feeling pretty good again. Even better than yesterday.

How many more weeks to go? I can't wait until this is over....

I think that Jimmy and I have decided to go to Walt Disney World when tx is done. I've always wanted to go as an adult. No kids, (I mean I know) just Jimmy and I playing and celebrating tx being done. At 40 something and all of these months of tx, there's still a kid in me that needs to escape!
Gives me something to look forward to. Something to plan. A positive goal to make.

All seems pretty good today and I think Ducky is actually my Friend again! (I hope I'm not jinxing it!)

Have a Ducky Day Everyone!


Terry Lee said...

Gretings from Valdez Alaska. Lots of bears and cold and rain but we're having so much fun. Glad things are looking up

Rosie said...

Hi Laurie, Glad to hear you sneaking in a good day this week. I read Terry Lee's comment and thought Wow he has the energy for a vacation! Gives me hope. I think the Disneyland this sounds nice. I think I'll save for a cruise. It would be nice to have a goal besides having a good day. Although I'll take any I get. I come home from work and soaked in the tub with some hot six oil lathered on my head and body. I decided to leave the oil in for awhile and I'll have to shower just before bed and wash it out. I hope it helps. I have been having lots of back pain again this week so I am hoping it passes fast this time. I think my husband is getting tired of all of this, I can't say I blame hime but there is no choice but to just suck it up. I went to bed yesterday around 7pm and my husband asked what time I have been getting up I said about 6:00 am and he said I was spending to much time in bed. Well I think I only sleep about 1/2 that time. The rest I am just to tired to get up. I don't mean to speak bad about him it is I have always taken care of so much in our daily life and he is probally just trying to adjust too. I am just to tired to do anymore than I am and I do feel guilty.I have to agree with you that there is no way we can plan much as you never know which days you will feel good. It I knew I was good every Thurs. I could plan more of a life.I guess I am doing the whinning today. I am usually so entergetic. I did buy some liquid vitamin B12 today I was taking it when I first started tx I am hoping it helps give me some energy. Take Care Laurie I hope you get another good day in this week maybe even 2 more LOL
Your Friend Rosie

Laurie said...

Hey Terry in Valdez!!! It must be breath taking!

And you're camping yet?!! You are an amazing inspiration!

Hope the weather turns to sunshine for you! Watch out for those bears! lol

Tell Magda I said Hi!

Have an awesome time you guy's ....you've more than earned it!


Laurie said...


Terry's incredible isn't he! Hard to believe that he just got off of tx in April! Makes me feel good to know that a body can bounce back after all of this. He's definatly showing us what we can look forward to!

A cruise....wow that would be cool! Where do you want to go?

You are not sleeping too many hours. Your body is getting beat from all the drugs even while you're asleep. Your body is working around the clock. You have to get as much sleep as you can get.

It seems as though the extra sleep is the only thing that helps me on the worst of days. I've gotten to the point that I just don't fight it anymore. I sleep all that I can.

I know it's tuff on our Husbands. And it's such a long drawn out treatment.It is so difficult.
I often worry about the house work that doesn't get done or the garden that went to hell because I just could'nt get the energy to weed it. I feel so guilty some times that I'm laying on the couch. Jimmy's been a saint with all of it. He reminds me that this isn't forever. Still I know it must be so hard on him. I tend to forget that we are both in this treatment together. I may take the drugs and have the side effects ...but he winds up with side effects from all of this of his own. It's tuff all around.
I can't help but love him more for all he's going through.....

B12 doesn't really help me too much. Teah told me about a drink that used to help her. Brazilian Guarana drink. But you can't drink it all the time. She said it made for a good pick me up when she had to have one. I was never able to find it in our neighborhood (she lives in NY City) but it's an option.

By the way, did you get your last viral count?

Hope you catch a good week Rosie. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
