Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 194

So Friday turned to shit. Halfway through the day I became very nauseous and fatigued. It was very hard considering the day started off so well.

After work I got in my car to go home and all I could do was sit there and cry. I knew I had to go home to the Friday night Peg. shot and I was just not ready to do that. Fridays are getting so hard anymore.

I got home, cried a little more and took the shot. What else could I do?

Saturday and Sunday where spent on the couch. Fatigue kept hitting and putting me down.

These weekends are soooo waisted.

It's Monday morning and after a whole lot of sleep and lounging around on the couch I think I'm feeling somewhat better. At least I feel ok sitting up and sitting still. The moving around will have to be slow today, but maybe it won't be too bad.

The hair continues to fall out, the skin on my neck, upper back and scalp are so dry that it's starting to peal a little........everything itches all the time and nothing seems to help!

I know, I know.....bitch bitch whine whine! lol....but sometimes I just can't help it.

Ok, so a positive? Sure.....the news keeps talking about it being the End of Summer. I can't wait for the leaves to change! :)

Have a Great Monday everyone!


~sharon said...

Oh Laurie, sorry everything went downhill for you Friday and then a yuck weekend. Sure hope things turn around and you can find some relief...


Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, I hope you get a good nights sleep and feel better tomorrow, that is what I try to tell myself every night. Have you had your ears clog like you are under water? It is a new sx for me and I looked it up and found that some people have hearing problems the last part of tx. You are so knowledgable I was hoping you might know
Glad to hear from you, praying to Teah and her family

Laurie said...


There are an aweful lot of ups and downs with this stuff isn't there!

Monday is getting much better. I think maybe (fingers crossed) this might turn into a regular tx week instead of the week from hell that I've been finding over the past couple of weeks.

I hope anyway....

Thank you for your good wishes.

Hope your week is being nice to you!


Laurie said...


My ears have had a high pitck sqweal in them ever since about week 6. I've learned to ignore it for the most part. I know it's from the drugs...

I never had the feeling that you describe, but I did find an article on it that is pretty possitive that it goes away once tx is finished.

Here's the link:

you also might try going on the HepCNomads forum. They always have such a wealth of tips, tricks and knowledge. Their link is on my blogs front page on the right under Hero's.

I noticed in the article that one of their case studies was on a guy who started having trouble at around week 22. That's just about where your at.

Thankfully it should go away but I know it must drive you nuts!

Hang in there!


My Other Blog said...

I'm so sorry Friday went down hill.

Dorene said...

Good Morning Laurie, thank you for the info on the ears, it started last week, off and on, hearing my heart beating is the worst or at least I guess that is what the thumping noise is in my ears
Thank you so much, you have so much information and I really appreciate it
Hope today is better for you

Laurie said...


Thank you my friend! Monday and Tuesday are trying hard to make up for it though.... :)

It's weird, it's almost as though when I feel like shit I have to hit total bottom before tx allows me to start feeling any better.

Did this happen to you too?

This week is going much better. My fingers are crossed that it stays this way!


Laurie said...


You're very welcome!

Did you go to the HepCForum at all? There are so many helpful people there with a wide range of experiences.

With Teah in Tbilisi, her and her daughter are probably in the safest part of Georgia right now. She's coming home in about a week. I'm hoping that everything stays somewhat calm for her return.

Take care Dorene!
