Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 191

Friday! It's going to be a fantastic Friday!

I woke up this morning after another 10 hours of mostly good sleep and I'm actually feeling pretty good!

Thank God because tonight is once again Peg. night. I'm hoping that since I am feeling so much better today that my shot won't kick my ass as much as it did last weekend.

ummm...hope I'm not jinxing myself!

Well Happy Friday Everyone!

I'm feeling "Just Ducky"!


My Other Blog said...

I'm so glad you caught a good day!

~sharon said...

Yep, Laurie the end of this week turned out much nicer than it started!! We actually went out to dinner this evening... a nice treat before the peg shot before bed.

I'm glad your're just 'ducky'!! :-D


Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, thinking about you, hope you are ok. Can't sleep thought I would say hi
Take care

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, I am thinking about you, hope you are ok, hope when you wake up tomorrow you feel better. I am ssuming this weekend hasn't been such a good one and I am sorry about that. I am there with you, after every shot there are 3 to 4 days of YUCK
Looked at your website, I like it! I loved seeing the pictures and reading the guest book and everything else, thank you again, I enjoyed it
Take care my friend

Dorene said...

Good Morning Laurie, I hope you are feeling better today. I hope that you have heard good news fro Teah and all is well. I am thinking of you

Laurie said...


Hope you where able to get some sleep last night! Did you try the Benedrayl at all.....might help a little.

The website is very out of date! I'm slowly getting the new one done and I think I'm already to post it soon. I'll just have a few pages that will be under construction while I work on them. The new site looks a whole lot better than the old one!

I haven't heard anything lately from Teah. I'm sure that no news is good news. I hope anyway!

Have a good day!

Laurie said...


1/2 a good day is better than none!

Thank you


Laurie said...


Dinner! Good for you! :) Hope it was real nice!

I Also hope that your Peg. shot was easy on you.

Take care!
