Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 177

T.G.I.F. (Minus the Peg. Shot tonight)

This has been a long week! It's taken the week just to get myself out of the dark fog that I've been in. I'm hoping that tonights Peg. shot doesn't take me back into the thick of it.

Depression seems to be a terrible disabling side effect of this treatment. It comes and goes for me. When it's here it's very hard to shake. It goes on for days.

Seems like the only way that I can shake it is to try to pretend I'm fine. Smile when I feel like crying. After a few days it just starts to let up.

I pray that the "Letting up" continues to happen. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to get stuck in depression.

So today my mind feels a bit better. Not as weighed down.

I must be driving my poor Husband nuts!

Something else that seems to help is sleep and the lack of it seems to make the fog darker.

For the last couple of nights I've made myself go to bed early. I didn't always go right to sleep and when I did I was up and down most of the nights....but I still went to bed early.

Last night I finally slept like a log and this morning is so much brighter than the week has been.

Tomorrow we'll go to Hershey for a picnic that the Hershey Trial Doctors and Nurses are throwing for the Trial Patients. I'll get to meet some of my Hershey Trial buddies face to face. This is a picnic for all of the trials that Hershey has done with Hep C Patients past and present. It's their way of saying thank you. I think that's pretty cool!

Hopefully my shot tonight will be nice to me tomorrow so that I can enjoy it! :)

For today I think Ducky has come home again. I hope he stays for a while!

Have a Nice Friday everyone....may all of your roller coasters fly level!


Me said...

I'm so sorry things have been so rough for you. I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better.

I can only state that in time eventually things do get better.

My Other Blog said...

The picnic sounds like a lot of fun. You'll meet lots of people who have gone through what you're going through and that will strengthen your resolve to complete this.

Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, I hope you have a great day at the picnic today. I am thinking of you

Lisa said...

Hope your picnic is fun. I hope the depression dissipates.

I couldn't figure out whether to post on my own blog, go to a forum or what it wears me down to post on all three.

My ordeal: Shot 3 last night and terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE SOB...I thought I was about to have a heart attack and could not get my breath.

I didn't know what to do. Also the crazy foot kicking and feeling millions of my cells swirling around my body in a crazed fury. But the SOB had me totalled last night and questioning how long I can go through this and wondering how everyone does it. I finally calmed down.

please have a nice day and i will do the same.


Laurie said...


"Better" comes and goes.

It's thoughts and prayers from friends like you that always seem to help make it better.
Thank you


Laurie said...


You're right, it did help. It was what I needed after the past ruff week.

Hopefully I can hold onto it for the next few weeks.

Thank you my friend!


Laurie said...


The picnic was a special treat!

Hope you're feeling well and that the weekend has been kind to you!

Always thinking of you too. :)


Laurie said...


Anxiety! I can remember holding that needle and having my hand shake uncontrolably.

It's a horrid thought in the beginning. Used to make me sick to my stomach just thinking of having to take that Friday Night shot.

Now this many shots later, it's not so much anxiety as it is sort of depressing.

But we do it. With a whole lot of help from Jimmy I make it through it.

Some weeks it's just machanical. Get the stuff out...jab...put the stuff away.

4 injections a week....after a while you just do it to get it over with.

I don't know that it get's easier, but I do know that the anxiety passes. Maybe in some ways you just get used to it and you form a type of routine.

I know it's not easy....but you do it. Try not to think. Make it into a routine so that you don't have to think.

Hang in there Lisa. You're going to make it through this.

It's not easy, I know...but we will make it through.


Dorene said...

Dearest Laurie, as you know there are lots of ups and downs with no rhyme or reason. Many ask me why I haven't gotten used to the tx, they don't get it that ever Friday we start all over. I am glad you were able to make it to the picnic, it has been a couch weekend for me, I am trying to think positive that at least I am over half way there. My doc says this is the time alot of people give us as they just can't continue. I know I will not quit, the alternative is not pretty so I will struggle through and do the best I can. I have learned that I can be sick, go to work and feel better once I am there. Thank you so much for your support I hope when this is over I can come to meet you and Jimmy