Monday, July 28, 2008

day 167

Yesterday was day half way point through tx!

The good point, I'm Half way done!

The not so good point, I have half the same distance to go as I've just come. This truly is the middle of the tunnel and there's a long walk to get to the other end. I know because I've just come this far.

I'm hoping that now that I'm over this hump, I'll be able to start to see the end of this thing coming sooner or later.

For right now it's been a long journey and it looks like a long journey to go yet....

Yesterday was good to me, so maybe it's a good sign. Other than the lumps on my neck still, the hair falling out, the itchy as hell skin, my sore mouth and some Peg. shot from Friday night didn't couch bound me this weekend. I didn't do much all weekend except take it easy and slow, but all in all I didn't feel too terrible!
This morning I'm doing pretty good too. The fatigue has me moving kind of slow but at least I can function.

I was supposed to go to Hershey today but I had to reschedule it for Thursday because I have to go to an unemployment appeal hearing this morning to represent my company. It should be an easy hearing to defend. I just can't believe how many people simply walk out of their jobs and think they can get unemployment for whatever bogus reason they can come up with.

It does tend to make my job interesting and it gives me a break from the everyday ho hum.

So anyway, Hershey got changed to Thursday. It'll be my 24 week visit. They'll do the whole 9 yards of testing. Physical, EKG and loads of bloodwork.

I'm thinking about getting sleeping pills for my insomnia. I feel so much better after days that I sleep well and there are times that those days are far and few in between. I'm thinking that sleeping pills might help the nights that I can't get the sleep my body is starving for.

I'm also going to talk to her about my mouth. I can't seem to keep it to the point that it doesn't hurt while I eat. For me that's very important since painful eating causes me to skip it and my weight is already too low.

Monday....we'll see what this day brings.

For this morning I'm still feeling just ducky!


Terry Lee said...

Congratulations! you have made it to the point of no return and now it's the long walk back down the hill.

Dorene said...

Congratulations Laurie! Funny, my 24 week was July 18th, we are really in sync.
I know what you mean, I did look forward to the 24 week (first for stopping the Prodrug) I thought I would find out what I had been on, a silly thing to look forward to but I will take anything I can get right now. Ihope you have a great day and again congrats for the halfway mark! In my mind it makes me hope (HOPE) that I have been through the worst of it
I am thinking of you

My Other Blog said...

Congrats on making it to the half way point! It's all down hill from here! Let me know when your next appointment is, after the one on Thursday, and I'll try to meet you there.

Laurie said...

Thanks Everyone!!

Hopefully Part 2 is easier than Part 1 !

Iris - I'll let you know right after Thursday. :)