Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 157

My mouth is a mess....shin itches like hell...lumps are still on my neck, I leave hair behind everywhere and now insomnia kicked in last night. But believe it or not I still feel pretty good! I look like shit, but I feel pretty good.

That's another funny thing about tx, sometimes you look good and feel like hell and other times you look like hell and feel pretty good. LOL what's up with that?

Maybe I just lowered my expectations of what feeling good feels like?

No...I think I just know what really feeling bad feels like and I base everything else on that.

Last night I was up and down all night long. That makes for a very long night. Sometimes I think the Nuepogen causes insomnia. I try to take the shot as early as I can, but there are those nights that it just doesn't matter.

I got up this morning feeling rested so it didn't effect too much. Maybe I've just had enough sleep lately to compensate.

Busy day today....thank god it's Friday! .....ummm....sorta. Tonight is Peg. night. Friday's are bitter sweet.

Have a Great Day! Come hell or high water...I know I'm going to!


My Other Blog said...

If you have days when you look like hell but feel good or look good but feel like hell, you're doing better than I did! I felt like hell and looked like hell just about all the time. Every so often I see one of the few pictures I allowed to be taken of me when I was on treatment and I always look tired in them.
Have a great weekend, I hope Ducky stops by!

H. Heart said...

Its hard for people to understand you feel like hell when you look good.If there look in the eyes they will see the truth. I just work harder at looking decent. Taking much longer to get ready to go out. I had to get my photo to renew my passport. I tried hard to look good. I ended up looking like a scared illegal immigrant.

Anonymous said...

You're doing just ducky, Laurie. Hang in there, you'll make it!

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, glad to hear that the sleep is helping, yes the sores in the mouth are irritating. I was wondering how often you have to go to Hershey? I know I should know by now but my memory is going.
I had been told that by now I would go for blood work every 4 weeks, well it is still every two weeks. While I appreciate the fact they are keeping a close eye on me, missing work is causing problems. I pray that I don't lose my job because I got sick. I am trying very hard to go to work every day however I worry that they will decide I have missed too much and terminate me.
Everyone told me I have rights as an a person with a disability but it sure doesn't feel like I have any. I know what you mean about the hair loss, I think half of mine is gone, can't go in the sun without a hat any more. I thought at my 24th week I would find out what dose I had been on but they said no, I tried to tell them it was something to look forward to, the doc didn't get it. sorry i am whining The peg kicked in a few hours ago and I am whiny
I will do better tomorrow

Laurie said...

Tired has become my middle name!

I think my body is just getting used to feeling it and has lowered it's expectations of "feeling good".

I guess I just keep looking back at I felt like when I had to go for the blood transfusion and I know that that's what the bottom feels like.
When you look at it that way, a quater of the way there feels pretty good! Half way there and ducky has deserted me. All the way there and I want to sit and cry.

So for now I feel pretty good!

Ducky's around somewhere close by.


Laurie said...

My eye's always give me away to Jimmy. I can't hide feeling bad from him ever he see's it right away.
Stinks that you had to have your passport picture taken while on tx. You'll be stuck with the reminder of how you felt for many years to come!
At least years down the road you can look at it and say "yep! I did it!".


Laurie said...

I think that getting through half this battle is surviving on the support of freinds. :)

Thank you!


Laurie said...


They'll keep you on every 2 weeks if your blood counts are going up and down. Your better off because I know they can fall at a drop of the hat. Waiting more than 2 weeks to be checked would be scary if your levels fall.

We may not find out what level we we're on until our 6 month testing after we finish tx. While the study drug is done, the trial it'self is not. They have to finish the trial and then compile the data before they release it to our Doctors.

You have to hang in there at work. If they have any type of awareness for the law they won't fire you while your going through this so long as you cover your appt.s with doctor notes, etc.

The stress of it must be horrible I know....but you have to hang in there if you can. Their only option at getting rid of you right now is if you were to quit. So they may be pushing toward that. Just ignore it and don't give in if you need the job.

Hang in there Dorene! We're almost half way through...
