Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 156

Last night was one of those go to bed at 8pm nights. Work was crazy yesterday and wore me out. Fatigue here and there didn't help anything. I stayed feeling good all day, I just got really tired by the time I got home.

This morning I woke up with a very sore mouth. Even my lips have developed small sores on them. I don't think that I did anything to kick it into high gear....I think it's just another one of those "what the hell is this about" type of things that pop up with tx.

I'll stop at the drug store on the way home tonight for Campho-Phenique. It usually works wonders on my lips for cold sores, so I'm hoping that it'll do it's trick for this. It smells like hell though....

Other than that I think my sleep did the trick!

I'm still feeling ducky! :)

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