Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 124

It's another day after my Peg. shot day and I don't think I'm doing too bad. I have the fatigue and achyness....but I have Tylenol too! The lumps haven't gone anywhere yet, but at least they seem to have stopped growing.

We're off to Millville, NJ today after Jimmy gets the bar opened. We should be out of here by around 12:30. I'm excited about our little excursion! We'll go see the Mosaic building and then stop at Wheaton glass.

Jimmy and I have decided that over the next few years we'll travel around to the little Art Districts across the country and check them out. Our idea of retirement would be to buy a house in one of the Art Districts and set up a studio with all of our talent combined. Jimmy with his stained glass, me with the painting and hot glass.

Millville is one of those districts where the city actually tries to get Artist to buy a house and set up shop. They offer some very nice incentives to get Artists to move into their little districts. Who knows....checking these places out will be fun in itself!

I know I can't over due it while we're away on this little trip. We'll go slow and take it easy. We'll get a room and stay over night to break it up a little. We'll get back tomorrow night.

My body is almost Ducky.....but my mind is full fledged Ducky!!!!


Dorene said...

Good Morning, glad to hear you are feeling up to a trip, that is a good sign. I am feeling better just wish I could get rid of this thrush, I have had it off and on since April. Tried yogurt, doc gave me troches, I am on my third prescription. Hope it isn't bad for the liver. I am beginning to wonder if I am going to have to deal with this thrus till I finish the tx. I hope everyone is have a great weekend

Laurie said...


Join the crowd! I've had thrush since the second the second or third week of tx. I've just gotten used to having to deal with it. I hate to be the one to tell you but it's just not going to go away for me.

I use this prescription that they nick name Magic Mouthwash. It's called Nystatin.It helps to keep it somewhat comfortable. The top of my tongue is usually red and sore in spots from the thrush. I've tried everything. Hell, one night it was bothering me so bad that after the mouthwash I actually put chapstick on my toungue just to try to find some relief. Believe it or not it kind of worked.

You just really have to be careful to stay away from anything that has Cortazone in it. Cortazone doesn't play nice with the drugs and it's not good on the liver either.

No....yogurt didn't really help me either.

Spicy foods are a killer. Sugar and Bread makes it worst.

There's something about the drugs that kills off what stops the yeast from building up in our mouths.

I know that Terry had terrible mouth sores all the way through tx. Maybe he tell you better about it if he comes on here.

Anyway it stinks! My heart is with you!

If you find something that gets rid of the thrush for you, Let Me Know!!!! :)


Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, thank you for sharing with me once again, I did not realize that you had thrush, I can get it almost gone, skip a day and it is back. I read someplace that once it looks like it is gone you have to continue to fight it. I am so glad to hear I am not alone. Not that I am happy you have it too. I wish the doc would have told me this was normal with this, just like the hair loss. There are so many things I just don't know.
Have a great day
p.s. Is it me or are these verification letters getting harder to read?