Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 116

Yesterday did'nt get any better. I felt like crap all day.

I was thankful that the day was somewhat busy. Work seems to make the hours pass faster when it's busy.

Today I'm affraid that I won't be as lucky. I'm almost caught up at work so maybe I'll have to find a new project to take on so that the day will pass.

I woke up this morning feeling like I haven't slept. My body aches and my head just won't get clear.

The lumps are still there on my neck. I'll call Sandy, my nurse, and talk to her about them. I thought they'd be gone or going by such luck.

Maybe I'll start to climb out of this later today. I hope so....tonight is shot night.


Rosie said...

Hi Laurie,
Today was Day 100 for me and I am still here LOL. I did my shot last night full shot and I started out the day ok but it has slowly gone downhill with the nausea and being tired. Oh well the good days were really good too! I talked with the nurse and doc about the pains I have been getting in my back and not beoing able to get up. They said it is the drugs. The tend to bring up old stuff and it turns out I have 3 bone spurs and 3 compressed disc in my back. They looked back at an xray I had when I went to the emergency room. They asked if I wanted to stop treatment...I didn't do all this for nothing so I told them I needed a prescription for the pain to keep on hand. I also got a call back from the eye doc they want to see me again on the 27th...not sure what that one will be about. Did you get your eyes checked when you started treatment? I hope I have made the right choice in going into this. I hope your shot tonight doesn't hit you too hard. Tell me again why we are all doing this?

Laurie said...

I had the whole sha-bang eye exam before I started tx. I hear that tx can cause problems with your eye's but it's rare. Mine have been fine except for the lightening episodes that come when my blood counts drop so low. They don't that's from my eyes though....they thing it's my body reacting.

We are doing this for 48 weeks so that we can have the rest of our lives to live healthy. We are killing a virus that doesn't belong inside of us.

But it is so hard isn't it?

You're almost a third of the way done. We be celebrating the half way point soon!

We'll make it! We are making it!

Just hang in there.
