Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 114

This morning I woke up with what feels like the beginning of a cold. I've had a couple of lumps on my neck for a few days and I'm thinking that they may be swollen glands. I'm sure that I'll find out over the next few days......

Other than the onset of what feel like a cold, I'm not feeling too bad. I still have a some energy and my achy bones from yesterday have stopped aching.

Tonight is a Procrit shot night.....that is if FedEx delivers my drugs this afternoon.

Jimmy picked up his son and daughter-in-law from the airport in Philly last night. The kids had an awesome time.....but they where ready to come home. 9 days and 8 nights in Mexico was all they wanted to handle. So the Newly Weds are home safe and sound!

Obama won the ticket! I hope the witch doesn't wind up running with him for Vice Pres.! I really would hate to see her in the White House. If she does, I may just vote for McCain.

All is well in the land of "Just Ducky"!

1 comment:

My Other Blog said...

I hope Obama doesn't pick Hillary for v.p. He's smarter than that - I have to believe he's smarter than that. I hope your Procrit arrived and you can salvage at least one good day out of this week.