Well here's how I understand it.
There are different types of white blood cells. Neutrophils are one type white blood cell and Lymphocytes are another.
Neutrophils are the White blood cells that fight against infection invading our bodies. Lymphocytes fight an infection that is attacking the body.
It's almost like the Nuetrophils are the State Police and the Lymphocytes are the Marines. The one white blood cell is a backup for the other.
Lymphopenia is what the condition is called when there is a low Lymphocyte count.
The problem with the Trial drug is that it first caused the Neutrophils to drop very low. That's what made them put me on Neupogen, they tried to get my Neutrophils back up.
But now the double whammy has come and our Lymphocytes have also fallen way too low.
My Nuetrophils are at .41 (They should be 2.03 to 8.36) and now my Lymphocytes are at .58 (they should be 1.02-3.36)
Having one fall low is bad enough, It opens a big door to infection.
Having the both of them fall not only opens the door to infection, but if an infection where to take hold, there are no defenses left to fight with. It becomes possible for a paper cut to become life threatening with both of them gone.
I think that Roche pulled a few of us who had the lowest counts on both first and then took a couple of days to make a decision on the rest of the trial patents.
Once they made the decission that it was effecting too many of us, they pulled the drug on everyone. Hershey has trial patients who are at week 10 through week 16. They pulled them all.
For as much trouble as I kept getting into, part of me is thankful. I've been way too sick and I've been just trying to battle through it. It's been a very hard road.
Last night I had to take the Nuepogen shot and I restarted the Inerferon. They have me restarting the inerferon at a half dose and they'll build me back up slowly to a full dosage over time.
This morning is kind of ruff. It's hard to wake up and I have that foggy headed feeling going on. The bone pain is here but not as painful as it is when I take the full shot of Nuepogen (I'm taking Nuepogen in half doses now....half on Mondays and Half on Thursdays). I think that the Tylenol should be able to handle the pain. Damn little drummer boy is hanging out on my arms.
All and all I don't think I feel as bad with the shot as I did when I was on the trial drug every day. It's been 8 days since I stopped the trial drug, so maybe some of it is still in my system and later down the road this might get even easier.
I know that even standard treatment is going to cause me some trouble. But after what I've been through....I can deal with trouble....I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with the hell.
Ducky took a break today.....but that ok, it's expected. It's the day after a shot day and maybe he'll come back around tomorrow.
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That's great, that shit was killing you. The regular SOC will be enough to deal with. If the study did that to the whites, think what it did to the virus! Congratulations on a job well done. Now on to SVR!
I believe you're right Terry. It was killing me very slowly.
I'm not sorry that I did it though. It still made me undectable at week 2 and it's continued to kick ass for 11 weeks after that. If it didn't wipe out the virus all together, it certainly had to have given me one hell of a jump start on it.
Hopefully now my white blood cells make a come back now and I can get off of the Nuepogen. Nuepogen sucks!
On to SVR!
Dear Laurie, thank you for the information I don't know anything other than I was told to stop taking the blue yellow orange so I appreciate any information you can share
You are right, I am only a couple of weeks ahead of you and it has been hell
I know you where having such a hard time also. I'm sure that coming off of the trial drug is going to help all of us so much!
Regular tx is no walk in the park, but at least we get to get out of hell.
It might take a while for our blood counts to return....but we should be feeling better soon.
Take care Dorene and hang in there...better days are coming! (I hope)
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