Thursday, May 15, 2008


I just spoke to my Nurse who said that Roche is pulling everyone from the trial because the drug is causing Lymphopenia.

Has anyone else heard anything??


Rosie said...

Yes Laurie I just got a call too said everyone is coming off at week 12. Risk outweigh the benefits. She said it was effecting the white blood cells to much especially people on nuporon, I know that is spelled wrong but you know what I mean. What is the lymph thing do you know....we are all just guinea pigs here it seems I go in Tues so if I hear anything else I will let you know and you do the same please. Maybe Ducky will stick around now! Rosie

Laurie said...

At Hershey they've taken everyone off. It doesn't matter what week they're on. They have people who are anywhere from week 10 to week 16.

Rosie do you get copies of your blood work? Do you know what you counts are on your Nuetrophils,ABS and Lymphoctyes,ABS?

I posted on the main blog what I've learned about the two of them. Or at least the way that I understand it...

Keep in touch and let me know what's going on there.

We've have been lucky enough to get at least 13 weeks of this trial as long as it hasn't caused any long term problems (which I pray it hasn't) we've still been given a better chance than with standard tx. I hope.....

Take care my friend.


Dorene said...

Dear Laurie I received word this week to stop the Prodrug. Do you have any information? All I got was an email that said stop taking it and we will let you know when we know
I am panicking
Thank you

PSPam said...

Hi. Which clinical trial are you referring to? I would be curious to know which one was stopped. Thanks!~


Laurie said...


We're on the Roche trial drug RO4588161. It's the ProDrug for R1626.

Roche study #NV19865. Identifier# NCT00517439.


PSPam said...

Thanks for letting me know and sorry to hear it! I did have high hopes for that one :-( At least there seems to be TONS of clinical trials going on all over the country and hopefully a lot of better meds will come from this. Take care of yourself and good luck clearing. I have many friends who have cleared. Treatment failed me in 1999 but that was before Neupogen, Procrit, etc. No one will give it to me again though. Life goes on. Thanks again for getting back to me!
