Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 97

Thursday night was only half a shot of Inerferon and Half a shot of Nuepogen, But they still kicked my ass a bit. I'm wiped out.

The good news though is that I'm not nauseuos. I'm just drained. I have no energy at all. I guess that's expected since my blood levels are still low and well it is still inerferon. Not to mention that I don't get along too well with Nuepogen either.

Is this what regular tx feels like? I'm glad that they didn't tell me to take the full shot of Inerferon. I think they're body isn't ready for it yet. It does need to recuperate from the trial drug more.

The one thing that I am looking forward to is seeing how many good days I wind up with now that I'm not on the trial drug. I was having maybe 2 good days, if that, a week.

Yesterday I had to go lay down at work for a while. (Thank God for Susan who watches over me at work). It helped me make it through the day. All I wanted to do was go to bed. I came home last night, ate and laid on the couch. Then I went to bed early.

This morning I'm still washed out. No energy at all. But still no nausea either. I just hear the couch calling my name.

I'm hoping that I start to feel better later today. Jimmy surprised me and picked up the plants for my garden yesterday. :) Now I just need to feel well enough to get them planted. I won't push myself. The plants are fine for days the way they are.

So that's it..Ducky's not home but I know he didn't go far.


My Other Blog said...

Welcome to the unpredictable predictability of conventional SOC treatment! I'm sure that as soon as you get used to being on your reduced dose, they'll put you back on full dose, so enjoy this little break. But, even the full dose will be easier than the trial drug.
Enjoy the weekend!

Laurie said...

I think you're right. SOC has got to be easier. Maybe in the long run it was better to feel so bad during the first 13 weeks...maybe the next 35 weeks won't feel so bad after all the hell I've been living in.

There is a possitive here somewhere ...right :)

Thank you my friend. Enjoy your weekend!
