Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 91 - 92

Mothers Day was nice to me. I slept in until 9am and when I woke up I wasn't feeling half as bad as I have been. Still a bit weak but not to the point that I had to spend the day laying down. I was even able to eat all day without nausea.

All in all the day was so very nice. Cory, my youngest gave me a beautiful flower plant, Crystal brought me roses and a cake, and Jonathan brought me roses and a teddy bear. Crystal and Jimmy cooked me dinner and the boys cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. It was a beautiful day.
Last night I had yet another wonderful sweet surprise. My next door neighbor stopped by to drop off a present for me. A little plant and some moisturizer with a mothers day card telling me that she's made an appointment to give platelets on May 19th in my honor, knowing that I may have been faced with another blood transfusion. How sweet is that! There are so many good people in this world and I am so lucky to know so many of them. It's such a beautiful act that I'm not sure there are words enough to say thank you to her. Claire is an incredible woman.

I woke up this morning still feeling much better than I have in days. I haven't taken the study drug or the interferon since Thursday and I think it's working to bring my levels back up again. I no longer feel like I need to be bed ridden, but I'm still weak and become dizzy pretty easily. Good thing is that I still don't have the nausea this morning so maybe I'll able to eat today again and gain more strength as I do.

I'll go through my day slowly and even though I'm still pale as hell, I hope that my strength continues to return. This is such a slow process trying to get my levels back up. It doesn't seem to want to happen over night. I'm hoping that I'll dodge the transfusion this time.

Tonight I take another half a shot of Nuepogen. I'm hoping that because it's only half a shot that I won't feel like crap tomorrow. I would very much like to continue on to feeling ducky and not take the step backward. I really need a good feeling day right about now. It's just been too long.

Ducky is on his way home....I know it!


Dorene said...

Hello Laurie I hope today finds you better. I know how hard it can get there are days I wonder if I will ever feel like myself again. I get tired of being sick, tired of trying to be positive. My sister says I should start a blog to remind my self on the bad days that I do have good days. I do have good days they are just getting so far apart that I forget, the last good day was three weeks ago, had one Friday so am going to write it on the calendar as it gets to where I forget I ever had a good day. Some day we will both be done with this trial and we will be glad we did it. While in the middle of it it is not so easy. Right now my goal is to get to the 24 weeks where I can stop taking the 6 trial/horse pills a day and hope that I will feel a little better without them. I have 11 more weeks to go to get to the 24 weeks mark and I am trying to look ahead
I am thinking about you

Laurie said...

Hey there Dorene.

You should start a blog. It's helpful in a lot of ways. It's a journal of what you're going through. A place to vent. A way to share. It's a place where other people who have been through and are going through tx can give you very good advise on how to get through this.

But what I've been touched by the most is that I've met some of the most incrediable freinds. People who are very special to me and who I would not have met if I hadn't started this blog. Their support brings me through tx. The freindships make me stronger.

24 weeks....yes thats the goal. I really think that once we are off of the trial drug life will be so much easier.I think that the trial drug has played a of havoc on my body. I don't think this will be as hard with just Ribavirin and Inerferon. At least I'm hoping that it won't be.

Take care of yourself Dorene. Let me know if you do start a blog, I'd love to read it!
