Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 107 & 108

Yesterday was a good day. The weather was beautiful but chilly for the ride to Hershey.

Got my blood drawn and now it's a waiting game. They're putting me back to a half shot of Nuepogen for tonight so maybe I won't have so much bone pain tomorrow. Since I'm feeling so well we're all hoping that my levels are back up. Only the blood work can really tell.
If the blood work is good news they'll have me start the Ribavirin again but at reduced dosage, taking 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening.

I'll also restart the Pegasys at a reduced dosage again - 50 units instead of 100. Half dosages and slowly building back up as hopefully my levels continue to return.

They'll have me come back next week for more blood work so they can monitor what the riba and Peg. are doing.

Yesterday I felt Great! I got tired early in the evening, but the whole day was spent feeling almost normal outside of the fatigue reminded me to slow down on the walk into the Hospital from the parking lot.

I took the Procrit shot last night. Procrit is an easy one for me. The only sides that I get from it is that it's slow waking up in the morning. Other than that, it's a breeze.

Today will be another good day. I'm going to enjoy it while I can because I know tomorrow I go back to tx.

Maybe this time around will be better since my bloods will be up for the first time since going off of the trial drug and I won't be taking the trial drug on top of the Ribavirin and Pegasys.

We'll see. My fingers are crossed....

For today Ducky and I are still dancing (slowly)

Rosie....are you getting any better? My thoughts are with you......

1 comment:

My Other Blog said...

My fingers are crossed, too.