She came home with sore feet and a very happy face. Prom Night was everything that she thought it would be. She had a blast!
The picture is of Crystal and her prom date Tabby. Crystal is the one in front.
The rehearsal dinner turned out nice also. I didn't really get any decorating done. My bones where killing me and I just couldn't get the bows tied for 14 centerpeices. We just went with simple candles....they worked out fine. Most of my time getting ready was spent washing water and wine glasses and getting the tables set. Cory, my son, even pitched in and thank god he did because we wouldn't have been ready on time without him.
By the time everybody showed up I got dressed in clothes that no longer fit me. I bought a new dress for the wedding but I forgot about needing something to wear for the dinner! lol I must have looked like I was wearing someone elses clothes!
Any way, the food turned out wonderful! Our cook Eddie is the best!!! Prime rib, Stuffed Chichen Breast and Crab topped Salmon. Eddie did the Roads End very proud!
Half way through dinner, all the running around caught up to me, the bone pain set in full force and was not going to let up until I layed my body down with 2 Tylenol and a Ibuprofen. So I ate what I could and excused myself hoping that everyone would understand that I wasn't being anti-social. I had my "stupid smile" plastered on for as long as I could stand it and then I couldn't keep it there any longer. I went up to bed.
Meanwhile, I hear that everyone had a wonderful time! lol....I know Jimmy did! He came up to bed in the wee hours of the Morning feeling happy go lucky and in no pain! Of course he paid for drinking too much wine a few hours later with major heartburn....poor sweetheart!
Today I woke up and the bone pain is gone. I'm a little washed out feeling and I know I'll have to go slow today, but all in all I'm starting to feel better again.
We have to leave for the Wedding at noon and I need to get my dress ironed, take my son for a haircut and pick up a pair of hose. That's it, the rest of the day will be just enjoying the Wedding. Both Jimmy's Son and his Bride are very nervious! But what they don't know yet is that everything is going to be perfect. The weather is perfect and everything is falling right into place.
A perfect Wedding day for a perfect couple!
Good Morning everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I was so afraid that I the peg was going from 90 to 180 that I only took half of my shot last night woke up not feeling "too" bad so took the other half. Now in about 7 hours I will see how I do. Thanks to Lauri's blog I got the idea of splitting my doses.
Just thought I would share
Hope everyone is doing well
My fingers, eyes, legs and anything else I can cross are crossed hoping that you do well!
I'm surprised that Eddie and Jimmy are still a team, I thought Jimmy was going to murder him when I was there. Glad to hear your coping with the curse of tx. Hugs,T
Hope you had a fantastic day and the weather cooperated.
Jimmy came to an understanding with Eddie....He doesn't get smashed while the Kitchen is running and Jimmy won't start cooking himself. lol....So far it's working out!
Weather was Wonderful, Bride and groom where Beautiful and the no one tripped and no one fainted! They did a perfect wedding!
I came home early and sent Jimmy back. It's too long of a day for Bonzo! Time for my bed. I'll post pics tomorrow.
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