Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 105

The Wedding was Beautiful! The day was Beautiful!Nick and Jen are now Mr. and Mrs. and it all went off perfectly.

While Nick was beet red and said that he thought he was going to pass out about 3 different times during the cermimony, he made it through fine. There was a cute moment when Nick had her ring in his hand and the Priest had to remind him what he needed to do with it as he stood there staring down at it. Everyone had to laugh a little. It was sweet.

I made it through almost most of it, but I had Jimmy take me home after the meal, I simply couldn't go any further and I was a little affraid that if I pushed it any further I'd get really dizzy or something and the last thing that I wanted is for me to be any kind of problem at their wedding. It was better that I went home. I made Jimmy promise to go back and my youngest son Cory stayed with me so I wasn't home alone. It worked out perfect.

Only problem was that even though my bed was calling my name, my arm began hurting so bad that it was 1am before I fell asleep. I must have pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle because this morning it's fine again. Still it caused one of those "What the hell is that" moments when you sit and wonder if it's from drugs or just something simple. Since it's gone this morning, I'll call it something simple.

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. After all the festivities, feeling good this morning has got to be good news! My blood levels have to be going back up otherwise I'd be bed ridden.

I think I'm feeling pretty Ducky so far....I hope it lasts the day!


NICK AND JEN!!!!!!!!


Laurie said...

How did the Peg. go?

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, how sweet of you! Well, I can only think that I have been on 180 all along as I feel pretty much how I normally do, not good but better than I expected so I feel good, did that make sense?
Thank you so much for thinking of me!
Your son and daughter in law make a handsome couple with the bride being so beautiful; she is very cute. I hope that you all had a good time, thank you for sharing the cute story about him staring at the ring as if he did not know what to do with it. I think following your intuition and leaving after the meal was a good idea. I would be like you and not want to take any attention away from the happy occasion. I am glad you were able to go. When do you start your peg again? I know you are someplace near PA, we are not so far apart as I live in VA. Your blog has been a huge help to me. I wonder if Rosie has taken her shot yet. I hope she is doing ok.

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie I forgot to ask, what did the doctor say about thinning hair? My hair is falling out by the handful and is driving me crazy. Though some say I should cut it, since it is coming out from the roots I want to hold on to all that I can.
Oh that reminds me! Can we see your hair cut soon?
It is just beautiful in VA, hope it is the same for you. Tomorrow is my anniversary, I will be married 30 years. I am getting a really nice ring which we could not afford 30 years ago.

My Other Blog said...

I'm so glad you felt well enough to go to the wedding and meal - I hope you ate something, I'm sure the food was delicious. Well, there's no question who Nick's father is! Congragulations to the newlyweds.
Dorene & Laurie - Laurie is doing half doses of Peg at times because her bloods are dangerously low. If your Whites and Hgb, Hct, etc are not crashing and your platelets are good - and you're doing this without telling your doctor/nurse (splitting your dose into 2 and doing 1/2 every 3 1/2 days) - you are not following your doctor/nurse's orders.
I have heard about 1 person who thought he knew better than the doctors and split all of his Pegasys shots into 2 doses and did 1 every 3.5 days - he did this to try to even out the side effects - unfortunately, that person didn't go on to SVR. Don't want to bring you down, but unless there's a medical reason, it's best to do the full injection once a week.

Laurie said...

I'm glad to hear that your shot went well!! Good for you!! Thank God.
I do think that Iris is right though. It's probably not a good idea to divide the Peg. up into 2 shots on your own.
They had me do a half dosage of Peg. because they want to slowly build me back up to full strength due to my counts being so low and they where going to allow me to divide my Nuepogen into 2 shots because of the horrible bone pain that it causes me at full dosage. Although has changed into no Peg. shot and 2 full Nuepogen shots a week hoping that my counts can reverse from still falling.
The good thing about what you did is that now you know your full shot of Peg. is probably what you've alredy been going through. I doubt that doing that once will hurt anything and at least it calmed your mind. I wouldn't do it again though without your Doc.s ok.

Hair....umph! My doctor said that the hair that I'm loosing can't be stopped. It's simply cell death from the drugs. There really isn't a conditioner or treatment that will stop it. Cutting my hair seems to have slowed it down and trying not to wash it until it's really needed might have helped. I'm hoping that with taking less drugs, that maybe it will slow down even more.....somehow I doubt it. My hair seems to be thinning all over. The only part that botheres me is that I can see my scalp more and more. Although it's not so bad that other people seem to notice (or at least they say they don't).
One thing that seems to help me is that I can make my hair either go naturally curly. It tends to look fuller that way.
I guess I haven't had the chance to post a picture yet because I've gotten in the habit of tieing it up. I don't like it short and I'd rather just tie it up and not be reminded. I know it'll grow back...but for now I don't like it and I'll probably go to get it shorter if I continue to see more and more of my scalp.
Maybe I'll get Jimmy to take a Pic. later today.
Congratulations on the 30 years! WOW! That's really cool! :)

Enjoy! Have a wonderful Anniversary! You'll have a beautiful day for it!


Laurie said...

You are right. Thank you for posting's a very important point!

And Yes! You can really tell that Jimmy and Nick are Father and Son. They're both very handsome men!

I did eat a little at the wedding. I made up for it some when I got home with leftover Cheese cake from the rehearsal dinner. I'm sure that I got a few calories into me! :)

Thanks again for your advise! You are always such great support.

Love you