Now that I stopped the Zoloft my stomach is getting much better. I get those small waves of nausea but then they pass. I can deal with that! They where hanging on to me all day long and not giving me any breaks. It's so hard to function like that.
Along with the small waves of nausea I got small waves of fatigue. Again I can deal with that! It's just my bodies way of saying that it's time for a break. It seems that my body is training me well to listen. Either pay attention or I pay the price of feeling like hell.....I pay attention!
Doc. changed my script from Zoloft to Lexapro. I don't know how this will work yet as I took one before going to bed last night because the bottle says "May cause drowsiness". I didn't want to take it during the day if it does. We'll see how it goes.
I woke up this morning with a bit more of an achy feeling. I'm starting to wonder if maybe the Procrit or Nuepogen have side effects of their own. I take those shots on Wed. nights and I wake up on Thursday mornings feeling more achy than usual. I also have a little more trouble on Thursday waking up.
I'll take the good ole Tylenol for the aches and I'll go slow today.
Hopefully Ducky doesn't desert me.
I think the Neupogen can cause aches. Good luck with the Lexapro. Just noticed you're almost at the 10 week milestone! Day by day, you're getting through this. Hang in there.
One of them is causing some havick that for sure. It just seems like everything that I take has some kind of side effect! It's really getting rediculas!
Day by Day.....yep, it has to be day by day. I can't look forward because there's too far to go and looking backward is really something I'd rather forget.
The Virus is still cleared. That's what matters. But somehow just making it through the day by day has become the challenge.
I'm hanging in there. But it's hard.
Thank you Iris.
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