Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 63

Yep....I spent the day on the couch. It's frustrating because it just seem to be such a waist of weekends. I'm so glad that we had Vegas. With all of the weekends shot to hell that little vacation will have to hold me over for a few months.

I think to myself that maybe I'll feel better later in the day, but better doesn't come.

I did manage to get up and tool around every couple of hours for about 10-15 minutes at a shot....but then I get drawn back to the couch as though it's a big ole magnet sitting in my living room.

I wanted so badly to get my workspace set up in the studio for my new torch. Between the little shots of getting up yesterday, I'm about half way through setting it up. That's pretty sorry considering there's only about an hours worth of work to do....but I'm not pushing.

I think I'm starting to feel somewhat better today, but it's too hard to tell until I start moving around. Body aches a little and I have that washed out feeling going on.....but not as bad as yesterday. Maybe I'll actually get the torch up and going today.

I do wish that my mouth would get better. I've had a sore mouth ever since my bloods dropped. Doc gave me "Magic Mouthwash". It seems to help but it just doesn't take it all the way away. Vomiting has not helped the situation at all. One good thing that it does do is numb my mouth when it bothers me the most.

These drugs have the worst side effects. It's never ending and you never know how you'll feel from one day to the other. Hell, you never know how you'll feel from one hour to the other.

While the Zoloft has given me more crap to deal with, at least my anger is calming down. I wonder if after a week it's starting to work or are the side effects just side tracking my mind into something other than getting angry.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow on my way to work. That's when the anger is the worst. I really think that every old lady driver in the world see's my yellow Mustang and say's to themselves "Let me pull out in front of her and see how much I can piss her off!".

The road that I take to go to work in the morning has about 24 blocks of houses and maybe 5 stop signs. On my worst mornings I get that old lady in front of me who feels she needs to stop at every block regardless of weather or not there's a stop sign! 10-15 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour spead zone stopping at every block! I can't even get out of 2 gear.

Last week she just didn't know how close she came to my getting out of the car, walking up to her window (which I could have done while she was driving!) and letting the Riba-rage fly all over her ugly ass Lincoln!

Yep! Hope the Zoloft is helping! lol

Well compared to yesterday I think today should be better. We'll see as the hours go along.

I wish that Ducky would stop playing hide and seek!


magda said...

Gosh, it seems as though the sides are kicking you "ass". Hope you get a little break soon.

Laurie said...

Hey Magda!

I know it could be worse. I'm hoping that it gets a little better as I go!

My fingers are crossed.

Thank you

Are you coming with Terry?