Viral Load - Still Undetectable!! Wooo Hooo!
This Dragon ain't comin' back!
Blood Counts:
WBC 1.1
WBC 1.1
Haemoglobin 7.7
Platelet 39
Neutrophils .18
AST 15
ALT 17
ANC .30
It's getting better! And I'm feeling better each day :)
After Hershey we stopped in Frackville at a Mall that my Daughter and I will be going back to this Saturday for some clothes shopping.
Jimmy and I found our new pillows at Sears and with him along I made sure I bought them this time! lol
Walking the Mall was a bit of a challenge. Starting out I didn't think I'd have a problem, but once I made it all the way across the damn thing I was ca put! I ran out of steam and Jimmy had to go for the car to pick me up. I just couldn't make it all the way back again. Talk about feeling like I'm 90!
I hope the walking gets better before we go to Vegas because Vegas tends to be a lot of walking. We'll just have to take our time and stroll. :)
Jimmy found a really cool Grand Canyon excursion. It's a Drive past Hover Damn, A Helicopter into the canyon, Lunch, a Pontoon boat ride down the river and then Helicopter back out of the Canyon ending with a drive back to Vegas! Eight hour trip - no real physical work! Sounds so wonderful!
I can't wait! One more week and we'll be there! Out of all of the vacations that we've taken, this is the one vacation that I need the most. Time to get away and try to forget all of this craziness.
One more note....I took all of your and Jimmy's advise and I told Hershey about the "Lightening" effect that I saw on Saturday. I'm glad that I did because it turns out that what I had experienced may have been a type of seizure from my blood counts still being low. I was told to listen more to my body. I guess I should have waited for another day to transplant my Ti plant because I was very tired that day and I did push to get it accomplished. (I mean really! How hard could it be on me to transplant a plant!...who would have thought it would cause so much trouble!)
As my counts go back up it may never happen again. I hope not because it was a very strange and scary feeling not being able to see and to have my cheek bone to my temple go numb.
At least I had the brains to sit down immediately when it started. They think that sitting down lessened the severity of it and allowed it to pass. Although it's not like I had much choice....I couldn't really see much anyway! lol
Anyway, it hasn't happened again and I hope like hell it never does!
As for my hair that is all breaking off....Hershey doesn't think that I'll be able to stop it. They say it's from cell death. Still I think I can slow it down by cutting it shorter. I'm going to try when we go to Vegas.
Maybe if I don't have to comb through the full length of it or tie it up, I think I might be able to at least slow it down.
They kind of keep trying to remind me that once I'm done with all of the drugs, everything will go back to normal and my hair will come back.
It's ok, if it has to go then it has to go. Under normal circumstances my hair grows at an un-natural rate to begin growing it back shouldn't take long.
My bigger problem is trying to find a way to stop my scalp from itching! It drives me nuts! I'm stopping at the drug store tonight to see what I can find.
Today I feel Great again. (knock on wood)
I have good news - viral load still undetectable, I don't hurt and I am awake! Somewhat tired, but awake!
So yes.....once again I feel Ducky!
Suggestions - get yourself a handicapped parking pass and use it, don't be to proud to use one of those electric grocery carts most supermarkets have, save steps whenever and wherever you can.
You're 1/8 of the way done!
You will look cute with a short sexy hair cut, change can be a lot of fun.
I don't think you had a seizure. Interferon puts some people into a dangerous condition where pressure builds behind one or both eyes. Some people experience ocular migranes. When your blood counts started to go up the pressure eased which caused the optic nerve to spasm. The doctor should refer you to an opthamologist to make sure your eyes are OK. I wouldn't let your doc off the hook this easy.
Hi Laurie - Couldn't remember my password so am just posting anonymously..but this is Denise :)
I'm so glad to see your'e on an upswing and are still undetected. I wanted to let you know that I had a series of freaky eye visions, too, that were dx'd as ocular migraines. They would happen about once or twice a week, to every couple of weeks (w/a total of around 6 or 7, and nothing since)....and lasted anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Don't know if this is what you experienced but my doctor said he has seen it in a few patients on this treatment. Hang in there!
P.S. I'm doing my last shot (of 48) tomorrow night....WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO :) It's a long, hard road but you feel so much better when you can see an end in sight. sending hugs and know you're in my thoughts, denise
Terry and Denise,
I'll mention both of your comments when I go back to Hershey or sooner if it happens again. (Hopefully it won't because it's really freaky)
My eye's where fine just before starting tx. My eye Doctor ran me through every imaginable test possible...but who knows with these drugs what can happen. They certainly have played hell on every other part of my body!
Denise! LAST SHOT! YEAH HAW!!!! Good for you!!! You must be thrilled! Hell I'm thrilled for ya!
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