Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 42

Boy whats up with me sleeping in? 2 days in a row I slept in until 8:30. I got to stop doing that, I think it makes me feel more washed out from too much sleep. I really do not need 10 hours of sleep.

Yesterday was wonderful. I didn't have very much energy but I felt great. Tylenol took care of the body aches and I didn't hear from the drummer boy all day. Fatigue hung around but that was ok because I hung around the couch and catered to it. lol

One very weird thing happened though.I wanted to accomplish one thing for the day. I wanted to transplant my Ti plant into a bigger container since it grew out of the old one so much that it was literally popping out the top of the planter. I got it transplanted, but at one point I walked from one room into a shaded room and back again. When I made it back to the Kitchen I saw what look like lightening. Not a flash....this was almost as though it was imprinted into the left side of my eyes. It took all of my left sided peripheral vision away. I couldn't see past it. It was like I saw what you would see for a while after you looked at know....that imprint?

Problem is that I hadn't seen anything bright. I had gone into a room that had the shades drawn and I had come out of that room into my kitchen. It took a good 15 - 20 minutes before I had my vision back. Long enough to start scaring the hell out of me.

Then you know my mind does the "Holly crap what was that" dance! Was it the drugs? Was it something else?

I'll wait to see if it happens again and if it does I'll tell Hershey about it.

Other than that The day was so wonderful. The kids where here and my Daughter made a Ham dinner all by herself complete with Mash potatoes with gravy, holiday beans and candied yams! YUMMY! She did an awesome job!

Poor kid had to go to work just as dinner was done cooking though. We packed her a plate to eat at her break.

Then my oldest Son made a Deep chocolate cake with fudge icing for desert and had it ready when Crystal got off of work!

Athena came over for the afternoon to clean and she brought the Baby. Cory is such a beautiful baby. He smiles and coo's all the time. He's so happy. He hung out with me on the couch all afternoon and even took a nap on my chest for a while.

God I absolutely Love being a Grandmother! He's going to be soooo spoiled rotten!

Athena can't wait for him to start walking and talking. I can remember being like that. just want to soak up every moment I can get with him and hold it there for a while because I know she's going to turn around and he'll be a man before she knows it.

Yesterday was so cool.

Jimmy got off of work at around 5 am and climbed into bed. He had a long day yesterday. Kelly (The very best bartender in the world) had Easter party for the customers yesterday. LOL....she had them wearing bunny ears, coloring eggs and she through them an Easter Egg Hunt. She knows how to wind them all up and have a blast!

Jimmy's day started out slammed in the kitchen and then went to a busted toilet....after that he pretty much had one thing after the other. Poor guy crawled upstairs last night and will spend the day with me recuperating.

Still, he never skips a beat....with all of his running and working yesterday he still found time to get me an Easter present and card. :)

I now am the proud owner of my very own dancing and singing Ducky! (and lots of chocolate too!)

Today I am Very Ducky! :) and by the way....I am always spoiled! lol


My Other Blog said...

"visual disturbances" - these didn't happen to me, but did happen to others, I forget who. Definitely mention this tomorrow. Did you have your eyes examined by an opthomologist before you started treatment? If not, you need to do this soon.
I'm glad the weekend went well for you.

Emilio44 said...

Hi Laurie,

Fantistic I have located you from typing in RO4588161. I've left a message on an older related post but perhaps you wont find? I'm Emilio form Australia. I am on the same trial as you here in Sydney Australia. I started on 29 February and have my 4 week bloods on Friday. I live in country New South Wales and therefore travel to my clinics (4hours each way) every week. So far I have totalled 48 hours road time from screen-biopsy-basline-wks 123. I work full-time and have a family (wife-3girls-2grandchildren. I suspect you are a person that a friend of mine on my home site has been keeping me updated with. Did your did you go from 4,000,000+ to 350 week 1 and then your bloods crashed and were taken off PegINF for a while. My bloods remain okay however I have not even received my week one PCR/VL as yet. This Friday I will receive wk 1 & 2. I am communicating with a couple of others who are US based and on e trial. Here is a link to them, well one of our posts at least I will stay in touch and hopefully we can support each other through this. I will have a read of your postings now, at first glance it sounds as though you a having a rough time of it. I have minimal to no sides, to usual stuff but doable. Big lifestyle adjsutment for sure. Stay in touch and strong Laurie my tx buddy. regards EMi

Emilio44 said...

just reread my post and can't believe the typo's, there is no edit function here. I did some cutting and pasting and well I don't know what happend. Brain fog for sure! Emi

Laurie said...

So nice to meet you! Australia! There a Country that I would love to visit one day!

Yes they definatly need at least a spell checker, never mind the need for an edit button! Chemo Brain causes many skipped words and letters! lol

I'm very happy to hear that you have little to no sides! Good for you! :)

I think I've pulled out of the worst of it. Was pretty scary there for a while.

You should get copies of all your blood work. It's really helped me to understand what is going on.

I go back to Hershey today and I'm hoping that my viral load remained undected even though I was off of tx for over a week. My fingers are crossed! I started at over 4,000,000, went to 350 the first week and then I was undectable on week 3. Pretty amazing if I can hold it there...I hope this little bastard is dead already but I wont know that until after this week.

Again, itt's very nice to meet you! I think it wonderful that we can all get together and compare notes. Not only that but it's a great learning tool! I've been able to participate in my tx by learning things from other tx'ers and then going back to my Doctor with subgestions. She's taken quiet a few of them and she's used them. Doctors are people just making calculated guesses, and mine is open enough to listen to me as long as my words are educated.

Stay in touch Emi! We can get down this very long road together!

God Speed my Friend.


Emilio44 said...

Hi Laurie

I certainly will stay in touch. I have kept copies of all my bloods and will post my results to you once I can add my pcr/vls to those. I am back to Sydney on Friday for the Pharmakenetics sub trial are you on this as well. I site was selected for this inclusion.Tracking the drugs PegINF, Riba and PI through the body at 3 and 6 hours is the best way I can describe it. My baseline vl was 4,480,000 so it will be interesting to view my log drops over the first 4 weeks. I suspect that I am on 90mg PegINF with 1000mg Riba and PI dose?, treatment arms d,e or f I reckon. I'm currently researching the theory of dose tappering at EOT (for an extra month). In future I think with the PI drugs non-responders will become few and far between. Currently there is a great focus on the first 12 weeks and there is a great need to understand the 12 week period after tx, you know the window where our defenses/immune systems are non functioning and perhaps hcv remnants can regenerate. And why some svr and others don't, why is this?? Later my friend. Back to work tomorrow after 4 day Easter break. Yipee, not! Regards Emi