Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 40

Woke up late this morning. I can't believe that I actually slept until almost 8 am!

I feel Great! I really feel Great!

Only an ever so slight body ache and tight muscles in my neck.....but that could be my age lol.

I'm headed out shopping later this morning. I won't over due it, but I need a new set of pillows for my couch (I've worn the old ones out over the past 4 weeks) and I also want to shop for my new office at work. We have an addition that we added on to our building and we now have a brand-dee-new office complete with brand-dee-new furniture. It looks awesome and I don't want to ruin the look of my new desk by putting my old junk on it. We move in on Tuesday and now that I'm feeling better, I'm excited!

I still haven't started the Zoloft. Even though I was crying all the time for the past couple of weeks, I knew it was just because I was feeling so completely aweful. I knew that once I felt better my mind would feel better too and I do.

The kids will be home this weekend. Jonathan (my oldest) will be in from Maryland. Crystal and Cory will be here and Athena will be over tomorrow with the baby. It will be a nice day.

I hope I continue feeling good throughout the long Holiday weekend. I'll take it easy and I won't over due it.

I found Ducky!!

Happy Easter Everyone!


Terry Lee said...

It's so nice to catch a good day once in awhile, it keeps you in the game. Zoloft also is prescribed for quitting smoking. Hint, hint :-)

Rosie said...

Hi Laurie,
Just got back from my visit with Cathy. She said it looks like the drugs are going to work for me she put my chances up from 50% to 70%. I was suppose to feel very happy but all I could think about was why are they going to work for me and why didn't they work for my son. If my eyes hadn't been hurting so bad I would have just let loose and cried. Fought back the tears all the way home. She called me a few minutes ago and said no study drugs for now and no shot this week. My WBC is at 2.0 my hemaglobin is still good says it started more in the level of a man's it is at 13.2 right now but my platlets have gone from 111 down to 22. Any sign of bleeding or bruising go to the emergency room. I can't believe how weak I am today. I have 13 people for easter (6 grandkids) and a surprise birthday party added to it on Sunday. My house looks like I live in the ghetto and the weeds out front are the only thing growing. I just want to sleep . I have to have my blood drawn again on Monday. I was thinking about your dreams latley and then my son told me his got so bad at night that he would wake up fighting mad, his wife finally made him sleep on the couch, she was afraid he would smack her. Tell Jimmy to keep a pillow handy LOL. I hope your Easter weekend with your family is just wonderful. My daughter is coming tommorrow to help me out some and my husband said he would work on the back patio so I am not going to worry about it. You know sometime shit just isn't perfect! Happy Easter!!!

magda said...

Great to hear you are feeling better!

My Other Blog said...

Glad you found Ducky again! What is he smoking? It was so nice to talk to you again, Happy Easter!

Laurie said...

errrr Terry! lol Just what Jimmy needs to read! Maybe once this whole thing settles down I'll use the Zoloft for quitting....but for now I'm just going for cutting back. Thanks for the info though :P lol

Thank you M, :) Happy Easter to you both!

Rose,Your WBC and your Platelets are in the danger zone. You're not just fatigued now you probably feel beat down and very out of it. I know where you are and where you're headed.

First of all, even though you may not want to hear it, You're easter Dinner may be better off cancelled as more people in your house will bring more germs that your body is not able to handle while you are so low with White Blood cells. Infection can come from out of no where. My upper resp. infection I think can from the dry air in the house and my touching time slips at work. Do Not shake hands or hug and kiss ANYONE! If you get an infection right now it is Very hard to clear it and it can become life threatening over night. Watch your temp. like a hawk and if you start to run a fever call the Doc A.S.A.P.!

Terry was right when he told me that a platelet count of 20 is hitting the very dangerous mark and a count of 10 is the point of bleed out. Mine fell to 14 even after I stopped the drugs.

I'm not here to scare you but you Are in Trouble! If your counts don't increase because you've stopped the drugs they'll have to get you on procrit and Neupogen.

Neupogen causes your Bone Marrow to release the White Blood Cells that are stored there. That happens fairly fast, like maybe within 24 hours because it's releasing something that your body has already produced and has stored.

Procrit coaxes your body into producing new blood cells and platlets. Since these are something that your body has to "make", it takes longer....with me it's still taking effect and I'm still not fully up to pare but I'm feeling better.

One thing that I have got to tell you is that you need to be prepaired to deal with your insurance company for the prescriptions! I was blind sided when Jimmy and I went to fill them. I couldn't just go to the pharmacy, Both drugs had to be FedEx'ed to me from Florida. These are Very Very expensive drugs and the Insurance company historically makes it difficult to get them filled. Call your Ins. Company now and tell them that you getting a prescription for Neupogen and Procrit. Ask them what the procol is for have them filled and you'll be ready to act on it if/when Doc. gives them to you.

Finally, I know this is long Rose, But Screw Your House, Screw the weeds, Screw the Dinner and the Surprise party! Ask your Doctor about having people over and they will tell you No Way! I wasn't even allowed to have Athena over to clean my house because a baby would be coming over with her and they didn't want to risk germs.....germs from a baby! Imagine that!

They wanted me quantined in my house and to keep me out of the Hospital because the Hospital would also be a Very dangerous place to be in with all of it's germs!

When I was where you are I didn't realize just how much danger I was in. In retrospect I know it now that I was very bad. At the time though my mind didn't fully comprehend it. It's like it just didn't click. But it did with Jimmy....he knew, he saw.

PLEASE ROSE! Easter Dinner will be every year. You must realize that you ARE that sick right now.

Rose right now you're going to feel as though everyone is over reacting to your situation....but that's just a feeling because they really are not over reacting! You truly will see that once you feel better.

By the way, do you get copies of your blood work? Ask for copies so that you can follow your progress. It really helps to make you understand what is happening to your body.

Do you know what your Viral load is at now?

Rose, please just take very good care of yourself. Be very very careful.

((((GREAT BIG HUGS)))) <~the only type of hug that you should be getting right now!

Take care my friend,

Laurie said...

Oh Iris.....It was sooo nice to hear your voice!!!!

Enjoy those Grandbabies!!!


Happy Easter!!
