Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 39

The Body aches got the better of me yesterday afternoon along with the tune the drummer boy who has been playing on my neck and I wound up coming home to spend a few minutes with Jimmy and then off to bed.

It seems that I'm starting to have some very strange dreams. When I wake up I can't really remember the dream, but I know something pissed me off. 3am this morning I woke up and had to get out of bed because I was agravated. Although I couldn't remember the dream in whole I could remember that I was trying do something in my garden and someone kept trying to get me to stop by pulling at my arm. Silly I know...but it woke me up angry.

This morning I am sore. My body aches from the drugs but it's waking up. (or was I fighting that much in my dream?)

My friend Rose, who is in the same trial that I'm in but on the West Coast, is doing very well. She has side effects but I think it sounds like she's getting through them as they come. They've reduced her study drug already because her WBC began to fall. All and all she sounds so good.

It's nice to know someone else who's in this trial and we started only a few weeks apart so we'll be going through this pretty much together.

Well today is the last of this work week. Good Friday tomorrow, then the weekend and Hershey on Monday. I'll be a couch potato for 3 days and a car potato on Monday.Somewhere along the line I hope to loose the aches that seem to be hanging on me and hopefully my neck lets up sooner or later.

I can't wait to go to Vegas. I think I'm going to spend a full day at the spa. I could really use a message to help with these painful muscles and joints.

I suppose I've thrown my body totally out of wack with these drugs. I bombarded my body to the point of shut down. Then I stopped. Now I'm bombarding it again, just not as harshly since they've adjusted the drugs and are slowly reintroducing the Riba. But still my body is complaining.

I'm sure that sooner or later I'll readjust again and get used to it. But for now.....

Yes, I'm still looking for Ducky.

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