Yesterday I spent most of the day running a fever that stayed pretty much steady between 99.8 and 101.6. I swore that if it hit above 102 I would go to the hospital and make them give me antibiotics. But it didn't so I stayed on my couch and slept most of the day away.
This morning the glands in my neck are still swollen but my throat isn't as sore. My mouth is irritated. My gums are slightly swollen and there's a sore in my nose. My body continues to ache.
I'm going to Hershey today. Hopefully I'll get a script for all of this.
I'll also get a copy of my blood work so that I can see whats going on. Dr. Smith will do her exam and I'm affraid that with this infection she may not allow me to take the shot....but I want to I'll push her. I'm 4 weeks in and I just don't want to waiste it.
We'll see. Maybe I'm worrying about nothing.
I'll continue this post once I'm home later tonight....
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Teekasmom here...good luck today. There is an oral formula that you need a script for. It is a combination of three common things. I've heard it called by different names. It is something like maylox, peptobismo, and something else. Its is a yellowish color. My doctors gave it to me for a condition called "Thrush" that happens in your mouth and esophagus. It commonly occurs when exposed to all the immune lowering drugs. It works great for the soars in your mouth.You kind of flush it around in your mouth like a mouth wash, and then swallow it, this helps to coat your digestive tract as well. Forgive me for the gross details. Hope this helps.
That's exactly what they've prescribed for me. The called it "Majic Mouth wash" , but it's a combination of stuff just like you said.
Thanks Gina :)
Love you
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