Monday, March 10, 2008

Home from Hershey

Well I'm back home. Blood work from last week reads:
WBC 1.2
Haemoglobin 8.9
Haematocrit 25.1
Platelet Count 42
Neutrophils 28.0
Lymphocytes 72.0
Monocytes 0.0
Neutrophils, Abs. .34
ANC .34

They reran my blood work as a Stat order today through Hershey's own Lab rather than waiting for the results over the next few days.Todays bloodwork brought a phone call:
WBC .09
Haemoglobin 7.8
Neutrophils, Abs. 0.2
Platlets 41

Bad news that I'm crashing.Good news is that Roche is going to allow Nupregen and Procrit (both are probably spelled wrong)

The pharmacy has to have it over nighted in and I should have it by early tomorrow.

Jimmy has gone for the scripts that can be filled. An atibiotic for the upper resp. infection. A script for "Majic Mouth wash" for the thrush and Zoloft because I can't seem to stop crying.

I know that if I could just feel better.....I would feel better mentally.

Right now I just can't fight the tears.

I haven't the strength to.


My Other Blog said...

Oh, I'm so glad they're giving you the rescue drugs. With .2 neuts, you really need them. Are they going to let you take your shot? I hope the antibiotics work their wonders.

Terry Lee said...

Great news! With those numbers it's understandable that you feel so bad. You're going to feel like a pin cushion. The others in the Roche trail must be having trouble in order for Roche to reverse themselves. You may want to 1/2 time or no time at work until your bloods stablize. Things will get better:-)

Rosie said...

Laurie I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. I have a rash covering 75 % of my body right now. My nurse said she has had to alter meds on several people. Maybe that is what you will have to do for awhile. Also AD take time to build up in your system so relax til they kick in. I agree with Terry that you probally should take some time off if possible. You may be able to go out on disability if it gets too hard for you...Things will get better!

Laurie said...

Hey guys.:)

I'm off of work for the week, except for going in to do payroll Dr. aggreed that I could go in for a couple of hours if I wear a sugical mask....people have to get paid.

Besides, I just do not have the energy to move across the room much less work right now.

Rosie, I also have had a rash. It only bothers my elbows and I've been able to keep it in check. Try using Alveno Moisturizer or Gold bond Moisturizer. Both have worked wonders!