Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 24

I got the 2 week blood work back.


HCV Quantitative PCR = <15>


Week 2 and I'm UNDETECTABLE!!!!!!!

My Haemoglobin has dropped by 4.2 since I started so that may be why I'm so wiped out. It's probably lower yet this week since that blood work was from a week ago and I feel worst this week than last week.

My WBC has dropped down to 2.8 and they are now warning me to be very careful not to cut or injure myself and to make sure that I steer clear of anyone who is sick.

I also found out that it's my bone marrow that has been causing my body aches. And the Ferritin that began this treatment at 80 and went to 450 is now at 1728 at week 2. I'm still not sure of what that is but it is how they can tell that I'm having the body aches and it has something to do with my bone marrow.

Nurse Sandy said that while the fatigue and heart raising may not get any better my blood levels falling should begin to level off soon. Alot if the side effects might level off when that happens.

She gave a prescription for Prochlorperazine to help with the nausea. I took it last night and it worked like a charm. Only thing is it has it's own side makes me sleepy and slightly dizzy. I think I may only take it at night or during the day when I'm at home or if the nausea becomes so bad at work that I can't stand it....then I'll have jimmy pick me up from work rather than driving.

They are concerned that I'm loosing about a pound a week and they think now that some of my problem may lay in my calorie intake. My blood chemistry is coming back ok. My proteins, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Triglycerides, AST, ALT, etc have come back ok. Even my Cholesterol is down to 182. But they think I need more calories in my diet. I wish I like ice cream more! I think I'm going to have to learn to like it!

I went to bed last night at 9 after the little drummer boy began playing his warning tune. I grabbed a Tylenol along with a nausea pill and I'm pretty sure I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

Woke up at about 4am to the phone ringing. Jimmy's brother called from downstairs to tell Jimmy that pumps in the basement where failing. We've been getting rain now for 2 days and that along with the melting snow is beginning to cause flooding. One pump has burned out and the other has a faulty switch, so he's been downstairs manually flipping the switch every 15 minutes on the only pump left so that the water doesn't flood the boiler and rest of the basement. He's got to be exhausted after only having maybe 2 hours of sleep. Thank god he only has to do that until Lowes opens up at 7am and he can run for a new pump. (hopefully Lowes hasn't sold out of them as everyone is probably having the same problem)

This building is very old and when the rain comes a virtual river flows through it's basement!

Me, I went back to sleep. Makes me feel guilty, but my body would have it no other way.

I woke up this morning and for the first time in many days I actually think that I feel Ducky! I can't walk fast or stand upright for very long, but at least I feel comfortable sitting down! I will not screw this up. I will not push too hard. This is Wednesday and I don't have to take another shot until Friday Night!! :) I just might get 3 days of feeling good out of this week and let me tell you I really really need it!!!!

As for A.D.'s, I think we're going to wait until next week and re-address it then if nothing changes. I feel Good...when I feel good! I think that we're all hoping that I begin to level off. If I don't then I will definatly go for A.D.'s to help me through this. The bad days are just too much if they stay at this level.

For today....

I Feel DUCKY!!!!


My Other Blog said...

Great news on the UD!!! I'm so happy I was ALMOST not going to urge you to eat more - you need to start eating cakes, cookies, fettucinni Alfredo, whatever you can think of that has fat and calories in it, or you're going to run out of places to do your injections on your thighs - so that will mean they have to go in your butt (if you have any fat left there) - and you don't want that, do you?
Hope your bloods level out. I'm so happy for you!!!

Laurie said...

Thanks Iris!!

I am trying to eat. I do agree with you! :) It's just that I've only been able to so much before I start to get the feeling that I may have to run for the toilet! Maybe the new script will help. I do like food and I hate loosing weight! I hate looking anorexic (spelled wrong) even more!

Awesome news though Huh? :) I am is going to be worth it...I know it is!

((Big Hugs))

Me said...

Wow! Congratulations on the UD! It sounds like you're going along with this just great!

Terry Lee said...

Fantastic! it makes it all worth while!

Rosie said...

I'm so happy for you Laurie. It really sounds like this is going to work for you. If you don't really like ice cream that much use vanilla ice cream and add things you like to it to make a milk shake, like strawberries or blueberries, fresh or frozen. It will pack on the pounds and goes down pretty easy. I am just so excited that you got good news I think it's just what you needed.
Take Care, Rosie