Saturday, February 9, 2008

Whats with my brain!!!

Did I say March 11th? Yes I did write that. I don't even know what month I'm in lol.

First shot = This Monday February 11th.

2 days from today.....yeehaw


Rosie said...

Best of Luck on Monday. You are heading out to slay your dragon. Keep that winning spirit and watch that sucker go down!

My Other Blog said...

Good luck tomorrow, Laurie! The dragon doesn't stand a chance against you. Let me know how it goes, I hope you get in a 'good arm of the study' that maximizes your chances of killing the #$%@^&* dragon!

Laurie said...

Rosie.....are you sure you don't want to go first? lol

Thank you my friends.

My Other Blog said...

Are you home yet??? How did it go? Give us a sign!

Anonymous said...

We got home ok and everything went well..she has a fever and body aches and headache and other things I am sure...shes sleeping in bed and I am sure she will be back here soon...hopefully I can talk her into taking off work tomorrow

My Other Blog said...

Hmmmmm...I think you must be on a study drug, Laurie. Please listen to Jimmy and take the day off, especially since the weather is going to be bad.

TeaStarWitch said...

Laurie, did you do it?
How are you feeling?
Oh my God! I hope it went smoothly, but why are not you posting anything about it?

Terry Lee said...

Good morning angels. Welcome to the twilight zone. seems as though the first shot was par for the course. The virus doesn't like being killed. Jimmy, send me your email,