Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I called Sandy's number yesterday at around noon...she wasn't there and I left a message for her to call me back.

Finally last night she called.

February 11th at 11am I go to Hershey to start.

I asked about my biopsy but she said that she didn't have the report in her file. Doctor will have to fill me in on it when I go on Monday.

Not that it really matters, but she did have my viral count. It's pretty much the same as it was before.

So thats it...I have my start date.

Mondays....I don't exactly like the idea of having to take the shots on Mondays, but I don't have a choice.

My beautiful Husband came home from Denver in the wee hours of the morning. Even though I couldn't seem to get myself woken up enough to have a real conversation with him, just seeing him home made me feel so much better.


My Other Blog said...

Well, good, I love it when a plan comes together! Don't worry about the Monday shot - if it's making the workdays difficult, you can push it up to Sundays, then Saturday, then Friday, over a 3 week period - or you could push it back by advancing it a day a week -first to Tuesday, then Wednesday...without making much of a difference.
I'm so glad you have this settled.

Laurie said...

Thanks Iris :)

It is finally falling into place.

I thought of moving the date if it landed in the beginning of the week and I asked Doc if it's possible to move it.

It's not. Because of the Research the day that I start is the day that I'll end with. The have to be able to take bloodwork on specific schedules. They won't let me deviate.

So Mondays it is.

I love Terry's saying -"Suit up boys, we're going in!"

Terry Lee said...

Great news. You'll be starting and I'll be on shot 45. UC's right, you can mooch the shot a day every other week. They'll tell you you can't but you can just do it anyway and then toward the end you can mooch it back to Monday. You'll be taking the study drug every day anyway so it won't affect their trail. They think they're so important. Remember this, you are treating for you, not them, and your best interests are paramount. They will make you feel that you're doing this for them but your not. Do not let them push you around. Are you able to get rescue drugs if needed?

Laurie said...

WOW Terry! Shot 45!!!'re almost done!!!
I'm soooo happy for you!!!!

No rescue drugs. Doc told me that from the start.

If my counts drop too low they'll lower my dosages until my counts return.

I think I'll play the Monday thing by ear. Part of what they are telling is that they need blood work within 2 days of my inerferon shot. According to them they need to watch whats happening with blood counts for my good also.

I'm a little worried that if I start moving the day back to Sunday or Saturday that I would be extending those 2 days into 3 or 4. It was important enough that a Friday start date was out of the question due to labs not getting processed through the weekends.

I don't know....I'm sure I'll get a feel for it once I start.

It all stands on a "wait and see what happens" point of view.

Hell, maybe I won't have any sides and my shot day being Monday won't matter.

Thanks Terry! :)

Terry Lee said...

I played around a little with my shot day and decided it didn't really make a lot of difference with the pegintron. You'll be on the Pegasus and I'm not sure when that cuts loose. I think the second hit comes 96 hours post injection so you may be OK.

My study allowed rescue drugs but they wouldn't pay for them. They were going to lose 1/2 the patients as the study drug made a lot of them anemic so they backed off and paid.

If they run Hillary without Obama on the ticket, M and I will be joining you and Jimmy voting for McCain!

Laurie said...

This election is getting way out of line!

I can not believe that person like Hillary Clinton could actually win her parties seat! It boggles my mind!

McCain? Geeze I don't know....I would hope that the Presidential Election wouldn't come down to my second best.

Obama has got to win the seat!

There are an aweful lot of Republicans counting on it!