Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey everyone...Thank you.

Got home last night and the timing was perfect because that's right about the time that I started feeling bad. I'm not sure what it is that did it, the shot or the hand full of pills. I'm hoping that it's the shot because the hand full of pills I'll be taking everyday in the morning and then again at night. 3 of the study drug + 3 riba's in the a.m. and then 3 study drug and 2 riba's in the p.m.. And then of course the inerferon shot once a week.

I'm pulling out of the fever and the body pain now, but the headache and neck ache wants to hold on. Tylenol helps, but not being able to take more than 2000 mg in 24 hours is going to be a task. (I may just cheat at that one on shot days)

They said at Hershey that the 1st shot is the worst. I'm sure they're right.

Sorry it took a while to get a post up...sorry it's short, but I'll post more later when this G.D. headache is gone. Thanks again for all of your thoughts.


Terry Lee said...

Sorry to hear you got da aches and da pains. What was the result of the biopsy? With the pegasus, the first shot is said to be the worst shot. Welcome to the club

My Other Blog said...

Yes, what were the biopsy results? I didn't get an immediate reaction to the Pegasys, but everyone's different. Get yourself some regular strength tylenol/aceteminophin (350 or 375 MGs each), instead of the extra strength ones, which are 500 MG. Then you can take approximately 3 doses of 2 tablets a day. I had some 600 mg 'extended release' acet. tablets too, but they didn't work as well.

Anonymous said...

the biopsy showed mild to moderate damage all which the doctor felt could easily "self repair". It was a concern for me since Laurie was infected in 1992. Real good news!

Starwtich said...

For headaches I've been taking painkillers (Tylenol or Motrin), coffee and ice packs on the head or on the neck.
Don't believe that the first shot is the worst. Any shot can be the worst. I'm not saing it becuase I want to scare you, I just want you to be prepared and not be confused.
I wish your ride will be easy