Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 9

It's so strange having your brain waking up just enough to not let you sleep but not enough to function correctly. It's as though it gets stuck in limbo. Hard to explain.

This morning I feel like crap. My body is still slightly achey and the little drummer boy has found his Base Violin on my neck again.

Coffee for the brain....Tylenol for the drummer boy...a slice of toast for the handful of pills and I'll get my shit together to go to work.
Funny this is already becoming a routine.

Yesterday wasn't as bad as the last time. Sandy the research nurse asked how it went and the only way that I could explain it was the first shot was the plague and the second shot is the flu!

She gave me a possitive outlook on it. She told me that it seems to her and to Dr. Jill that the patients with the most side effects are are usually the pateints that respond the best to tx.

Well I'll tell ya, right about now I should be virus free! lol
Jack had a bad day yesterday also. He's a diabetic and when it gets the better of him he tends to hang out on me...it's almost as though he waits for me to make it all better. I know he makes me feel better....


magda said...

Look at you two little lovers! An animal is always uplifting for the soul

TeaStarWitch said...

When I read your blog I feel as if it's me writing it. LOL Similar sides