I thought it was a coinsidence, but I'm starting to realize that it's not. There's something about day four after a shot. It sort of up and bites me and I know it's the Inerferon. I don't know if it's a second kick to the shot or if it's simply just peaks in my system....but the side effects that I feel on day 4 are Inerferon sides.
Yesterday started out not too bad but then took a turn for the worst. The little drummer boy stayed with me drumming ever so lightly all day. The tylenol kept him at low tone so that I could ignore most of it. I was cold all day. It wasn't until late afternoon that I realized that I was more than just cold, I was getting cold chills.
It's funny how that works. You think the room is cold and then finally waves of goose bumps start creeping up on you. You can no longer get warm. ... Weird.
By the time I left work all I could think of was going to my warm bed.
I got home and went downstairs to visit Jimmy for a few minutes. He had a bartender call off and he was stuck with tending the bar for a couple of hours. LOL he looks like he feels so ackward back there! :) He has such wonderful Bartenders that it's very rare he or I find ourselves covering a shift.
Wednesday night is Texas Holdem' Poker night. I used to run it but I can barely help get it set up anymore. I got the points registered into my Excel spreadsheet and I headed up for bed to leave Jimmy running the poker. I hate not being able to do the things that I was able to....but one day I'll be back.
I got upstairs and nausea was getting the better of me. I had to take the damn pills before I went to bed so I made a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast with lots of real butter. Made it half way through the cereal and the piece of toast and swallowed the whole handful of pills all at once just to get them down before my stomach had a chance to argue more.
I went directly to bed. I thought that if I could just get to sleep the nausea wouldn't bother me as much and I could hold the pills down.
It worked. I climbed into bed at 7pm and didn't wake up until around 11. Little drummer boy had increased his tempo. I woke up again at around 1 and took some tylenol. Fell back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 4. Then on and off until I'm up this morning at 6.
The chills are gone. The little drummer boy is gone. I waking up and even though I have that washed out feeling again and the high pitched squeel is up a notch in my ears, I don't feel half bad.
I need to feel good today. I need the mental break of feeling good.
I have come to the conclussion that I'll have to get a script for the nausea. I hated the idea of shoving more pills down my throat but at this point I just can't live with being nauseous all the time. It's just not worth it. I won't be going back to Hershey until Tuesday. If the nausea keeps being so ruff on me before that, I'll call Nurse Sandy and ask her to call a script in for me. Maybe if I take something my stomache will have a break and I won't have to take it all the time.
If I could feel better for a couple of days I know I won't feel so much like crying.It's only been 18 days and there are soooo many more to come. It's working and if I have to feel this way for the duration, I am going to do it...but man is it hard.
I Will Feel Ducky Today G.D. It!!!
This is the time the interferon could be making you a little emotional. Don't be afraid to ask for some phenegran for the nausea and even anti-depressants to even out the emotions, if things get any rougher.
Don't be afraid of more pills, at one point I was taking 19 a day. You're txing and it's not a sign of weakness to medicate if you're sick. Whatever it takes, the more the better!
Hello, I started the same trial you are on February 1st. I just read that interferon takes up to 80 hours to reach its peak so maybe that is why your day 4 was bad
I just took my 10th shot, each one gets better. I have to force myself to drink alot of water, I eat a lot before I take the pills then drink 8 to 16oz of water to make sure I have enough to keep me from getting sick. It seems to be helping. Going to work is the hardest part of this, than and feeling sick.
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