Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 13 - What the hell was that?

I woke up yesterday feeling sooo Good!

Went to work and it just got better. Outside of the muscles pulling in my neck a bit...I almost felt normal all day.

That is until my ride home. Even though I snacked all day just like the day before, my ride home became hell. I walked in the door and headed for the bathroom sick to my stomach. The only thing that was there was water and acid. Not a good combination on the throat.

After that passed I thought I'd be alright. Worried about heartburn from being sick, I decided a bowl of oatmeal sounded good for dinner. (hey if it sounds good I'm going to eat it! lol)

Ate the oatmeal and the hand full of pills. I hoped that whole milk in the oatmeal would be fatty enough for the pills.

After eating I washed a couple of dishes and laid down on the couch for some T.V., but my eye's just wouldn't stay open and I grew tired of sleeping on the couch.

Jimmy was on the computer, so I got up and gave him a smooch goodnight and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

That's when it hit. Out of the blue I became so drained that a wave of all out nausea hit me. I became so weak that it made me dizzy and I thought I was going to hit the floor. Looked in the mirror and my face had turned the palest white that I had ever seen so I headed for the bed. I couldn't even yell for Jimmy...I just didn't have the strength.

As I laid on the bed it began to pass and turned into a headache. The nausea passed first and I was thankful I didn't loose that handful of pills.

For the first time I was truly scared. But it passed and I slept the night away.

This morning I feel sort of weak but not bad. I don't know what that was last night but I pray to God it doesn't happen again. If it does, I hope it happens in the same place....close to my bed.

Anyone have any idea what I've just described? I've had fatigue, I know what it feels like...but this was something else. This was an attack that almost put me on the floor and I couldn't even call out for help.

Today is shot day. I know they say take it at night, but after what happened last night I'm afraid to take it when both Jimmy and I will be sleeping. For my own peace of mind I'll take it this afternoon so that I can be aware of what it's doing to my body. I'd rather have the pain and be awake then worry about something happening in my sleep with no way of getting help. freaked me out.

Maybe I'll trust it more by next week when I have the shot planned for Friday Night.


My Other Blog said...

AGGGGGHHHHH!!!! You are NOT getting it! 4% fat content whole milk is NOT fatty enough to use as a 'fatty food' to take with riba. Get yourself some ice cream - Hagen Daz or Ben & Jerrys with a MINIMUM of 8% fat. This is the time to forget about all of the good eating habits you developed over the years and just go with what helps keep the medicine down.
(Sorry for yelling...)

Laurie said...

lol....Iris you can yell at me all day long and never have to apologize.

I didn't realize that it needed that much fat :( I guess I better start liking ice cream. I can't seem to find any yogart that isn't low fat around here.

I'm not moving around too quickly today so I think maybe I'll talk Jimmy into running to the store for some ice cream today. LOL...he'll LOVE that considering he is easily addicted to and flavor!

I hope that's what caused it. At least that would be something that I can take care of.

Thanks Iris...Love You!

Terry Lee said...

What happened to you comes under the category of "this is really nasty shit and it has a mind of it's own" Sometimes it hits 5 or 6 days post injection. I take my Ribas in the morning with english muffins and a ton of butter and at night, usually something with a lot of fat. There isn't a solid pattern to the sx's.