Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 11 - Effort

By late morning yesterday I started to snap out of the funk. I'm not sure if it was just time to snap out of it or if I was doing something right and my body reacted.
I've never had to work so darn hard to make myself feel ok! But it seems as though everything that has to do with this tx takes effort. It takes effort to put the needle into my body and swallow the pills, takes effort to withstand the sides and then it takes effort to get my body to feel better.

The nausea was much better yesterday. I was able to eat and while I really couldn't eat large amounts before the warning calls came from my stomache came, what I did eat stayed down. I think that nibbling here and there throughout the day yesterday might have helped. I took ritz crackers and sliced cheese with a bannana and pedialyte to work with me. I think it helped because when I came home last night my beautiful Husband had made me a wonderful homemade meatless lasgna and while I couldn't eat a lot of it, it was fantastic and I held it down. :) What a wonderful Man!

Last night the insomnia decided to come calling, but I beat it at it's own game. I had gone to bed at around 9pm, that's a little early for me but I just couldn't keep my eye's open any later. I'm glad that I did because it gave me extra hours. I woke up at 1:30 - went back to bed, woke up every 15-30 minutes after that until 2:30 and didn't fall back to sleep again until around 4. When 6:00 came I felt like I had just fallen asleep. I can't image how I would feel this morning if I hadn't climbed into bed early last night.

Damned alarm clock lives for another day! :)

All in all I think ducky is back!

Tight muscles in my shoulders and neck but no strumming from the my littler drummer boy.
My brain is awake (but of course it was most of the night and there's no nausea yet this morning.

I think today is going to turn into a good day....I fully intend to make it that way with a whole lot of effort!
8 degrees outside this morning!


My Other Blog said...

I know it's cold, but have you thought of drinking milkshakes - lots of fat, semi-liquid, should go down easy? Just throw some ice cream, flavoring, and milk together in a blender. Get some acidiphillus at GNC - lots of good bacteria for your lower G.I. system, it will do you good, I still take it.

Terry Lee said...

You're adapting well to your tx. The Riba should settle the sleep down before too long. In the beginning you feel kind of whizzy from it. As the Riba drops your hg, your blood will become less oxygenated and the whizzyness should leave you. What a barrell of