Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ok, so I pretend not to think about it but I am. Stay's in the back of mind all of the time. How could it not?

This stupid little dragon.

Recently, questions have been popping up in my head more often.

For instance, Anti Depressents...if started before hand what could they really do? I'm not depressed....sure I have anxiety, hell who wouldn't at this point. That just wouldn't be human. But If I am anxious won't A.D.'s cause more? It's on my list to ask the Doc.

And there's the question of the Liver Biopsy seeming to be not so high on the priority list for tx. It's important, I understand that, but I get the impression that people elsewhere determine to treat or not to treat depending on it's outcome and how much damage has been done to the liver.

It seems to me that the biopsy is being used only to rule out tx. If my liver damage is too great then they may pull tx off of the table. This train of thought hasn't come from the's come way before I knew about the study....even before going to Hershey. So why does it seem as though to treat of not to treat is based on the Biopsy everywhere else but in my area.

Then there's Ibuprofen versa Tylenol....I could go back and forth with that one all day long! Everyone seems to have a different opinion on it.

Since I told my Doc that I take Ibuprofen for pain and she did not object....I guess I'll go with that until she changes it. I have to rely on her opinion simply because she is a Hep C specialist.

Oh there are loads of questions rolling around in this little brain of mine. I go to Hershey in 2 days (yes U.C. I'm still counting...somehow it makes me feel better), I'll ask some of my questions then....some questions can't be answered.

I still haven't found a name local brand for Guarana yet, so if anybody knows of one that I can find locally or in the U.S. online (U.S. online because my credit card has already been stolen twice and I would like to lesson the likelyhood), please drop me the name.....there are days that I could really use it.

So that's about it...I'm doing good, I'm a little nervious about the biopsy itself but I'm taking it in stride. I'm pretty nervious about tx but who wouldn't's just too much of the unknown. It'll come soon enough and the unknown part will finally be over with. I deal with it.

Got to go make Jimmy Grits! lol He fell in love with them when we went to Florida! Go figure - a Northener who loves grits!

Enjoy the day.


Terry Lee said...

The Guarana I've found is marketed under the brand name "Source Naturals"

The biopsy is totally necessary as you need to know the condition of your liver. Stop worry about it, it's not a big deal, we have all done it. Baby:-)

As for the AD's, do not underestimate the power of these tx drugs, seroiusly, the are total ass kickers. You can always quit as soon as you find that you don't need them. I seriously doubt that I could have made it this far without them. pre treating with AD's seems to be prevalant on the East and the West coasts. Middle America shuns them as sinful, a sign of weakness, and puts them in the category of drug use.

All that said, take a deep breath. As they used to say when I was in the SF Fire Department and we had a fire, "Suit up, you're going in"

We've all done this and so will you. It's just getting there that's tough because of the lack of control in your life pre tx. Hope this makes some sense as I don't always think too clearly on this crap. Best to J, Hugs T

Laurie said...

Makes sence to me Terry. Thanks for your advise.

And thanks for the website!!! I'm going to check it out right now!!

By the way, you're sounding really good for the past couple of weeks! It very nice to see your old self back again :)

My Other Blog said...

Good luck to you tomorrow. Are you driving down tonight or tomorrow morning? I wanted to know how my liver was before I started treatment, the biopsy was the only way to find out. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken anti-depressants, the last 10 weeks of treatment, I was miserable. But, it's up to you, you can always wait until you think you need them. Be sure to post something tomorrow when you're back home.

Laurie said...

Thanks Iris.

We'll go down tomorrow. It's a 2 hour ride and the weather houldn't be too bad. (Other Freezing!)

AD's are on the top of my list to ask.

I'll post tomorrow.

Thanks you guys

magda said...

Good luck, you will do fine. Sorry you are having so much anxiety, I think it comes with the territory of having to talk and visit the doctors so much on this treatment.

Laurie said...

You're probably right Magda.

But I also think it also comes from the idea that this isn't something that you just get fixed. It's the thought of a long drawn out tx that may or may not work. Those things along with Hep C itself, to me is one bundle of anxiety.

Once I'm started I'm sure that I'll settle in.


Laurie said...

By the way...I love you blog