Friday, November 9, 2007

The Alarm Clock

So much for getting up at 5am....I'm driving my poor husband nuts with the alarm!

He doesn't sleep well to begin with and falls asleep at around 2 or 3 am just about every morning. Then alarm goes off. I'm tired and I hit the snooze a couple of times.

Well, you get the picture....

I'm not getting anything done anyway. I go into the bike parts to paint and I'm so tired that I screw the painting up. I have to start over tomorrow on an eagle that I began and totally screwed up. Time to wipe it off and begin over from scratch. I have to get this work done and out of my way.

I won't be taking another paint job for a while. I don't know if I'm just burned out on it (too much paid artwork kills the passion) or if I just have too much on my brain to sit and paint a big job like this bike.

I wish I could just hand it back and say "not now". But I feel obligated.

On top of that I have a plotter that can't read software. I've been working on that for days now.

On top of that, I have a website I haven't touched since I re-formatted my harddrive and a MySpace for the Bar that I haven't touch for weeks.

I also have a security camera system that needs to be put online for the bar and an inventory system that sits waiting to be set up.

And let's not forget the holidays....shit.... I forgot about the holidays!

Plus I work 9 to 5.

Now you know why I want to get up at 5 am.

At night I'm just too tired. I feel like I'm not getting anything done and time is slipping by.

Hurry hurry hurry....21 days to go and I'm running out of time.

I'm both excited to get to started getting over this and scared, and panicked. I want everything done....but I'm beginning to see that that is not realistic.

I'm giving up 5am. At 6:30 am I'll get done what I can and maybe I'll be able to find more energy in the evening.

Did I mention how much I hate this? " that where my passion has gone? Maybe I should paint a dragon....."


Not Blank said...

6:30 would definitely be less stressful than 5AM, especially if all you do is hit the snooze bar for an hour and a half. Didn't I tell you to get all your Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving this year? There's still time to catalog/internet shop, have things arrive by then, maybe pay extra for gift wrapping.

TeaStarWitch said...

5 am? Never! Not even if they give out diamond rings for free.
Girl, get your body used to more rest. You can't imagine how much energy this treatment takes away. You need extra, start saving now.